The Winner Is.................................

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
zach is going to be mad, nearly edged out his pick

I think we actually have that avatar is the ones you can choose from when you sign up on steerplanet

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
I would like to thank all those who participated in the process. It was fun.

I would like to know why you all thought this was a good pick?

I would like to here from Simmymom1 too!



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
::)  Wow...I am blushing!!  I can not believe that "Batdog" actually won the contest.  He had some pretty tough competition that he was against.  I just wanted to let the other competetors that they had some great ideas too. 

To whomever voted for Batdog, let me know who you were...I am buying a round of drinks for all of you guys, you just have to come down to Texas to get your drink!  Ha Ha

Sorry that I am just now getting back to you guys on my "acceptance" speech, but we were in San Antonio all last week for the Junior Heifer show.  I have to say that I wish that we had never gone, it was a pretty bad week and the heifer did not place like we thought she would.  She sure looked alot better than she did at Fort Worth because she was eating good and looked really full before she went in the ring.  The judge hammered her really bad for having weak stifles. The deep ground really made the stifle issued stand out. 

We have know for a while that this was looking to be a problem, but now we really know that it is a major problem.  I think she is going to end up going back to Kansas in May, and we are going to get something else in her place.  My daughter still wants to show her in Houston, so we will see how hard the judge comes down on her then.  I have been depressed for a couple of days over this, and this is why I am now just getting on the computer.

I am better now, especially knowing that I have won this special honor of giving SD his new avatar!!!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!!  Lisa