Thunderbolt 742

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Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I bought Thunderbolt from Mike Morris.  Mike called this Spring and wanted me to collect him.  I did.  His test came back while I was gone and he tested clean for TH and PHA.  I was sure he would because of his bloodlines.  Every bull that we use is clean.

I also go some great news from my old shorthorn cow.  She was originally tested when the test first came out and she was free for TH but the PHA came back to retest.  Her test came back PHF.  I had kept 5 cows from her and now that will clean up my papers for a lot of my herd.  She was the ugliest cow I have ever owned but the best mother and never missed on her calves.  She walked funny and had horns.  I sold several grandsons this year for show steers.

I also collected my bull, Senior Rojo.  He would make a great bull for someone who raises Shorthorns.  He is red and white.  We sold a shorthorn calf out of him this years that is 3/4 Maine but looks totally shorty.