Two questions-Corn and chewing

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2010
I have two fall born steers that will be shown in spring of 2012. One is getting a bit leggy. I was wondering when exactly I should incorprate corn into his feed. Also, what kind of corn and how much should be in his ration? Two, my other steer is a chewer  :mad: I have gone through three halters, one water hose, and five extension cords due to his habit.  I have a show coming up and I am worried he will chew through his halter there .I have tried hot sauce, but it may as well be candy to him. I figured he may be bored but I really dont know  ??? ???


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
As far as the feed question, I do not know, is he on a good developer now or a starter, switch to a feed with less protein and more fat.

Try sliding a hose (thick reinforced hose) over the lead of the halter so he has to chew through that first, make sure you have a neck rope on him. As far as at home while he is just tied, try mounting a small cart tire on the rail where he can get to it and just lick it and make it spin if he is just bored it may keep him occupied.

Anyone who has chains on gates has had that one animal that sits there and rattles the chain by licking it, all day or night long. and once in a blue moon the even get the snap to open.