USDA announces today that it will accept all classes of Canadian cattle.

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
USDA announced this morning that it will accept all classes of cattle from Canada, starting on November 19th /07 provided they were born after some date in 1999. (  I am going by memory and I cannot remember the exact date). Since Canada opened it's border to US imports early in 2007, there has been a major movement of breeding stock from the US into Canada. As of Nov 19th we hopefully will once again have a complete North American beef industry, just as it was built... and how it should remain.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
YEAH!~!! (cow) (clapping) (cow) (clapping) (cow)

Of all the things we have to worry about causing a human health risk BSE is pretty low on my list - we have (I think) 26 total deaths worldwide secondary to BSE in 10 years -- how many drunk dirver deaths per day? I think the media did the north American beef industry a great disservice although why should we expect them to be anything but sensational they almost single handedly killed the egg industry.

Great news - I look forward to renewing old acquaintances at US shows and sales in the future


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today announced it will expand the list of allowable imports from countries recognized as presenting a minimal risk of introducing BSE into the U.S. Canada is currently the only minimal-risk country designated by the U.S.

"This rule is firmly based in science and ensures that we continue to protect the U.S. against BSE," said Bruce Knight, Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs. "It also is consistent with our commitment to promote fair-trade practices and further normalizes trade with countries that institute the appropriate safeguards to prevent the spread of BSE."

The final rule announced today allows for the importation from Canada of:
Live cattle and other bovines (i.e., bison) for any use (including breeding) born on or after, March 1, 1999, which APHIS has determined to be the date of effective enforcement of Canada's ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban;

Blood and blood products derived from bovines, collected under certain conditions; and

Casings and part of the small intestine derived from bovines.
The final rule is scheduled for publication in the Sept. 18, 2007 Federal Register and becomes effective Nov. 19, 2007. Additional information is available at
-- USDA release 

Beef Cow Calf Weekly


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
1 cop dies every 48 hours.  we should eliminate police

i didn't see BSE on the list, or E. coli, or salmonella, boy we need more tax dollars to fight, interesting choice of words, fight, it's always there.

here's an interesting stat compilation, and before you read it, compare the lobby money of farmers vs. doctors.

This article in  the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is the best article I  have ever seen written in the published literature documenting the tragedy of  the traditional medical paradigm.
12,000 -- unnecessary surgery 
7,000 -- medication errors in  hospitals
20,000 -- other errors in  hospitals
80,000 -- infections in  hospitals
106,000 --  non-error, negative effects of drugs 2
These total to 250,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic  causes

that said, BSE is an interesting phenomenum.