vet question: difference in bacterial vs. viral pneumonia

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farmin female

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
How can a layman tell the difference in bacterial vs. viral pneunomia and which drugs work best in each case.  Thanks.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
In humans bacterial pneumonia is more virulent and can be more deadly. Rarely would you give antibiotics for a viral pneumonia. Viral usually run their course and we treat the symptoms. The only way to tell the true difference in what type of bacteria is to do a a culture. After a culture is done you can isolate an organism and focus the type of antibioitic to use.
You will see a pronounced difference in the symptoms bacterial being more severe usually.


Jan 29, 2009
I have never been able to tell for sure whether I am dealing with a viral or bacterial pneumonia.  I have heard how high the temp is can give you an idea, not in my experience.  If you have an individual animal just treat with an antibiotic, a little different if you have a group of calves that are sick.

Does not matter to me whether it is viral or bacterial, I would treat each one with antibiotics in cattle.  Antibiotics HAVE NO EFFECT on viral infections, but viral infections in cattle have a tendancy to set up bacterial infections in cattle.  When I first started out I did not use much in the way of anti-inflammtories (ie Banamine) but as I have changed my thoughts on that.  There is even a product now that has both in one shot.

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