Week old calf bucked over at knees

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Cowboy said:
Not seeing your calf here in  a picture is hard to tell, but this sounds more like NAVEL ILL than structure problems.

Navel ill is sneaky, they don't have to have swollen navels to be infected. Dead give away, healthy at birth, and in a few days he will start to shake and quiver in the front knees and buck over badly as time goes on. If caught EARLY, he will make a FAST and full recovery. Treatment is very simple -- plain old Penniccillin works wonders. Given for a full 7 days, about 10 per day, and he will be going great. At the very least, if it is NOT navel ill, the penn will not hurt him at all. I have seen hundreds of them with navel ill over the years, not only here once in a great while, but all over.

A few years ago out very own "" RED " posted a calf on here she was sure was crippled. She bucked over badly in front and was going to be destroyed. I wrote to her and gave my opinion, which is just that, and she tried it. That fall that hfr was not only completely normal, but she sold it for very good money!

Give it  a try -- my gut tells me it is more navel ill problems than structure!

: Terry i have a steer that is a month old now, and he is standing still he too buckles over on his kness. Otherwise he is healthy and fine. Heck he is even in the creep feeder daily. His mother is extra sound and hes out of walks alone. I have personally never had any issue with walks alone calves bucking on their front legs. Do you think he could have a  navel infection as well? If so, How much penniccillin would you recommend giving him? Thank You!
Good luck -- let us know -- Terry


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
BTDT...I COMPLETELY agree. With all due respect for those trying to help, I would bet my herd there was no need nor any benefit to medicating this calf. Glad he's doing better, though.