What a morning!!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2008
Ok  my mom and I wake up to go feed and as we are riving there are two dogs on the roadm so being that hero we are we stop and one had a tag. So we call the number and no answer. We put the ogs in the car and take them to the nearest vet clinic, whom of course was not open until another ten minutes. Were waiting in the car with these dogs that stink because they where out in the rain and then the clinic opens. My mom goes in an asks what shaall we do with thesse dogs and explains the situation, they told us to bring one in at a time so they could see if they have a microchip. I take the keys out and put them on the drivers seat and take the first dog in. After we found out this dog did not have a chip we go out to get the next who is in the drivers seat! We go to get him and sure enough the car was locked he sat on the keys that has a remote. So theres a dog stuck in the car and we are thinking how are we going to get in? So 20 minutes of TRYING to convience the dog to let us in we had no luck, we call my dad who just laughed and he was on his way to save the day. About 15 minutes after he was called the dog kept pressing the lock button as we are looking like idiots trying to convience him to UNLOCK the car HE DOES!!!!! And in the car we are so after that he was scanne and no chip. So we called there vet because the dog had a rabies tag with their number. We waited 20 minutes for them to open and then my mom comes off with what if they belong together I said "then its buy one get one free" luckily they belonged together and so we call the owners cell she answers and was happy they had found them but there was no way for her to pick them up. So she starts to cry and hangs up, we call her back and she says my husband is in a meeting and he cant go either and she was in tears. So she says" Ill  call my husban an tell him that he has to get out of the meeting" we say ok. See the dogs could not stay at this clinic because they where not a client. The receptionest says ok well we can put them in the back yard here till they get here we call her back she cant even talk shes crying so hard. Finally wwe get it all worked out and are free to go and off we went to go feed 2 hrs later! What a morning!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
hmmm.  it's somewhat easy to teach dogs property lines.  these dogs sound like two neighbors down from me who thing the whole neighborhood owns them (oops bad word, we can't "own" animals) as the true owners basically give them NO time, and one of them actually works out of the house.  i guess i can give them a little credit as they have dramatically reduced their animal herd.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2008
LOL So much for thinking we where doing the ogs a favor and getting them off of the streets as the one locked us out as a big thank you. It was funny though because you could just see the dog sitting in the drivers seat laughing and smiling saying haha you humans I will let you in when I want. Boy we looked like idiots out there saying "hey doggy what ever your name is let us in just press that button again oh come come little doggy" in that little baby voice.