What Do People Of Colorado Think Of This?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
The plug comes out real quick when I get tired of owls moving into my deer blinds every winter.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
chambero said:
I will keep hunting in Colorado if I have to use a slingshot.

Why dont we get as mad because we can only use three shots for migratory birds?

I dont want to make my buddies on here mad at me over this, but it needs to be much more difficult for creepy, picked on, yuppy kids to get a hold of high capacity guns and go act out their video game fantasies.  Their parents wont - thats why they are that screwed up to begin with.  As far as I'm concerned, this has nothing to do with our "rights" as gun owners, but as our responsibility as gun owners to do everything we can to keep horrific incidents from happening which will eventually cause us to loose what's really important to us.

ARs and 20-30 round magazines havent been around all that long.  And honestly - how many of you actually own them and use them?  Its a sure fire symbol of a wannabe hunter that shows up anywhere with one.  Its usually the weird guy at the gun range that has one that you dont sit next to.

We need to self regulate ourselves on this issue to prevent well intentioned, but misguided politicians from trying to fo it for us.

We ought to implement a buy back program in urban areas.

I doubt anyone on this site hunts more than I do, but I dont follow the party line on this.  Nothing about the AR gun culture has anything to do with serious hunting, and associating hunting rights with them is very dangerous to our hinting rights.  We are outnumbered folks and irrational indignity sbout this threatens whats most important to us.
I own an H&K AR and I shot a doe this year w/ it. Leupold makes a 3-9x40 Mark AR scope that I put on it and its actually a pretty solid little gun.  Most ranches won't even let you hunt with the AR because most feel the .223 or 5.56 calibre is too small though.  Perfect for pigs/ turkey.  I like to use several different set ups- I don't know if that makes me a wannabe or not.  My Seko 7mm settles and doubt.  I have several 30 round mags and I see no point in them.  I understand "gun control" is a principle issue but where should it stop?  Calibres larger than the .50 Cal are already banned to the public.  I went to school in San Diego and all you'd constantly hear talk of the state trying to ban the .50.  I remember they'd always show a commercial of 3 cops cars pulling up and parking staggered.  Then youde see a guy shoot the .50 cal at the cars.  The bullet would go through all 3 cop cars and hit the wall behind.  "Do you want these type of 'weapons' on the street you live on" - was the jist of the commercial.  Its tough to argue with that IMO. 


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Big bulls can be had in almost any high country unit in Colorado during first rifle season if you are willing to be a backpack hunter similar to what folks due for sheep hunting.  Of course by the time you properly equip yourself you could gave paid for most of that private land hunt.

But if I didnt spend so darned much showing calves, a Vermejo Park hunt in northern NM would be tempting.

Best I've got so far was a 6x5 bull up in the Flattops of CO.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
<deadhorse> This will be my last comment on this topic, but it is just as plain and simple as the government sticking their nose in once again where it doesn't belong and our crooked president and his various wack agendas.  True, maybe we don't need some of these guns and ammo on the street and in the hands of fools, but laws aren't going to stop that and anyone who thinks that's the case is delusional.  Also, if 99% of the Texans that flood this area during hunting season would leave their trucks they would see more game and have better luck.  Just sayin.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I agree laws wont work.  The gun industry doesnt have to make stuff like this just because they can.  We shouldnt buy this kind of stuff just because we can.  Consider it just another facet of gun safety.  We do an outstanding job of requiring and teaching hunter education.  We ought to do something similar prior to aallowing gun ownership .


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
chambero said:
I agree laws wont work.  The gun industry doesnt have to make stuff like this just because they can.  We shouldnt buy this kind of stuff just because we can.  Consider it just another facet of gun safety.  We do an outstanding job of requiring and teaching hunter education.  We ought to do something similar prior to aallowing gun ownership .

That's the problem. It's not the law abiding citizens like you and I. It's the thugs out there that get them from illegal means. So , no amount of classes , lectures, or un-enforced laws will matter. When I took my carry class there was a guy in there on the front row that asked the question " What is the difference between a handgun and a pistol ? " Some people snickered at it , I was just glad to see someone that ignorant about guns at the class instead of being out there on the streets saying that guns should be outlawed.
What's the difference in a 30 round clip and 3 - 14 round clips out of my S&W .40 ? None. I can change clips pretty dang fast if I need to. So , outlawing those clips won't change a thing for those evilminded people or, sick individuals or thugs. Once again , to me it's about the Gov't telling us what we can or can't do because they THINK they know best. Why not outlaw liquor because of the people killed from drunk drivers or cell phones because of the people killed from texting while driving?

Barry Farms

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2013
North East MO
First of all if laws wont work then do any of you guys critizing the Gov't have a better plan? 30 round magazines - not needed in any way shape or form, or AR-15s; if you want to be a hero with an AR-15 then join the Military and be a real hero not a wannabe hero. Also restricting the amount of ammo per magazine is NOT taking away 2nd amendment rights, it makes where you live safer.

Here in MO there has been a limit of 3 rounds in a Shotgun for migratory birds for quite a while. (atleast where I live)


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
I don't see why anyone needs a 1 ton truck or trailer over 16 feet long.  They are just an extra danger on the highway putting the public at risk.  Why should anyone have a car capable of exceeding the speed limit?  That is just plain dangerous and could cause big chain reaction pile ups.  Why should anyone have or need a house bigger than 1100 square feet and a bedroom for every 2 people and 1 bathroom for 4 people?  Just a waste of resources and leads to spoiled ungrateful children who go on to become public safety hazards.  Just saying.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Its not the same thing and you guys know it.  The industry better come up with a better argument than that if you are ever going to change public opinion.  Im honestly ticked off that my legitimate guns used for hunting may be jeapordized because of these toys some day.  Again, I dont want laws - I want us to use common sense and address the issue ourselves.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
Okay so the 3 shots for migratory birds was something that was worked out between hunters and Federal fish & game because of the low bird numbers way back in the 50's or 60's and it was hunter initiated. I have professionally guided hunters here in western Colorado for 27 years now and hunted big game since I was 8 or 9 years old, and to date; no I have not had anyone show up with an AR platform rifle to hunt deer or elk. That being said I own one and it is my go to gun of choice for calling and shooting coyotes, rarely do I carry a magazine larger than 10 rounds and even when I do I generally only have 10 rounds in it. How many of you have ever shot one of these rifles? The first time I shot one was back in the mid 80's a Vietnam era colt and it sucked, but a few years ago one of my Texas buddies brought his Bushmaster on a coyote hunt and I shot it a couple of times, of course then I had to have one. The rifle is fantastic and will drop a yote dead in his tracks at 400 yards plus. I have also been able to shoot a SAW which is a fully automatic 223 and all I can say is what a way to blow a hundred rounds of ammo in less than a minute.

Do we have to have 30 round magazines NO, but we don't have to have 1 ton trucks either, we don't have to have atv's or utv's either but they are available and they are just as capable of killing a bunch of people. A little common sense goes a long ways with anything we do and take for granted in our daily lives.

I see that there are a whole lot of people that have just plain forgot what it is to be responsible, parents that could give a s#!t less what their kids do after school mainly because they have to get out there and work their a$$ off to pay for all of their toys and the 5000 sq. foot house and 3 cars and the list goes on and on. Mean while the kids are at home playing video games or watching the crap TV that we have now days or on the computer learning how to make bombs or looking at porn.

To me it's not so much about the high capacity magazines it's more about people screwing up our country because it is easier to make a useless law or ban an object than it is to learn, understand and be responsible. They need to teach their kids right from wrong and get them form in front of the TV and out on the end of a shovel or taking out the garbage, feeding the dogs even on the end of a lead rope of a steer or heifer.

Of course SP members kids already know these lessons and understand hard work and the rewards that comes with it.


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
I think they would have better luck banning idiot parents!  In my eyes unless the kids doing these shootings broke into the gun cabinet and torched out the trigger lock, the parents belong in the penitentiary with them !!! Or who ever made the weapon available !!! I live to hunt with my son,  Colorado is officially off my list !


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
As somebody else said, staying away from Colorado to hunt only hurts the folks on the west slope that had nothing to do with this.  It also hurts their Division of Wildlife that had nothing to do with us.  It also hurts you because you miss an incredible experience - and Colorado's riles are much more nonresident friendly than any other western state.

We better keep our attention focused on supporting the big stuff than what amounts to a sidebar.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The largest school massacre was decades ago.

The largest massacres in human history were by people claiming they were here to help.

No outrage there, in fact the left and some of the right embrace those ideals.

Assault gun violence just isn't that common.

But you can't convince anyone.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
ALTSIMMY 79 said:
I think they would have better luck banning idiot parents! 

It's already self imposed. Libs have fewer kids. They recognized this a long time ago which led to the takeover of schools starting in the 50's and immigration starting in 65, 86 and now for more votes.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
How ?

Barry Farms said:
First of all if laws wont work then do any of you guys critizing the Gov't have a better plan? 30 round magazines - not needed in any way shape or form, or AR-15s; if you want to be a hero with an AR-15 then join the Military and be a real hero not a wannabe hero. Also restricting the amount of ammo per magazine is NOT taking away 2nd amendment rights, it makes where you live safer.

Here in MO there has been a limit of 3 rounds in a Shotgun for migratory birds for quite a while. (atleast where I live)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Believe it or not, I was with an agriculture group, sitting on the floor of the Colorado House of Rep. the day that this bill was introduced.  The totally screwed up logic of the city woman who presented it was that if the gunman had to take the time to change clips, some lives would be saved.....really?    How about doing the logical thing and install better security systems or metal detectors in schools or theaters......

Our country is now in the control of some of the most reactionary and illogical people ever born.    This is certainly not about common sense.  I am not proud to be a native Colorado in this particular chapter of history.    Remember that the socialist party removed guns from people in Germany about 75 years ago.....and about 6 million people ended up in ovens and ditches.....  You can sugar coat and revise history all you want, but the 2nd Amendment is there for a reason.

Our legislature is on a crazy kick on dairy cattle also.  We only have a small number of dairies remaining in Colorado.  Only around 1000 cows have their tails bobbed.  HSUS has successfully introduced legislation to outlaw this.  This will pass and then they will move on to more restrictive policies...just cannot wait.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
GoWyo said:
XBAR by the time you get to go on an elk hunt, your leftie comrades in Colorado will have banned that activity.  By the way, they hate cattle too.

Unfortunately, the knee jerk reaction to boycott elk hunts will only hurt the outfitters and rural businesses -- there will be virtually no effect on the urban and suburban Democrat voting block on the Front Range.  Maybe have some protests at the Donkeys' football games or the Sluggets basketball games.  Also, support any college team but the University of Colorado.  Have more educational efforts at the NWSS focusing on rural issues so that the urbanites can understand there is a bigger world out there and the harm that some of their issues cause.

Whos they? 

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
rackranch said:
How ?

Barry Farms said:
First of all if laws wont work then do any of you guys critizing the Gov't have a better plan? 30 round magazines - not needed in any way shape or form, or AR-15s; if you want to be a hero with an AR-15 then join the Military and be a real hero not a wannabe hero. Also restricting the amount of ammo per magazine is NOT taking away 2nd amendment rights, it makes where you live safer.

Here in MO there has been a limit of 3 rounds in a Shotgun for migratory birds for quite a while. (atleast where I live)

Good Question, cause it don't make you safer. Knock, Knock, hello Mcfly criminals don't obey laws, why you think they are they called criminals and you will never get all these high capacity mags off the street, you will get them out of the hands of the law abiding people but not the criminals, so that makes it safer how? I do own an AR-15 with lets just say a lot of 30 round mags, I use it every day at my job as with my department we provide our own pistol and long gun (shotgun or rifle) and I carry both a shotgun and rifle in my patrol car. I always say, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. It is proven, arm the general public and violent crimes go down. No bleeding heart liberal lefty will ever get me to change my views on gun control, end of story. For every reason someone posts why we need stricter gun control, we can post reasons we don't need stricter gun control, revolving door.