What do you expect from your seller or buyer?

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Since we're starting to get into the time of year where people are going to start looking a marketing calves & buyers are sharpening pencils, I was curious on what do want from each standpoint?
As a buyer; what do you expect from your seller? I'm sure honesty tops the list but do you want fitting, clipping & other services part of the dael? Or are you someone that just wants to buy a calf & be left alone?
As a seller; what do want from your buyers? Money tops my list! But I'm sure there are other things too. Do you want feedback? Do you like it when they call you up to report how the project is going even when it's either good or bad?
I'm sure there are a lot of opinions out there from both sides of the fence. Usually we just hear what a buyer wants but sometimes it's nice to hear what a seller would like too.

Thanks for some great feedback I'm sure!



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
As a buyer I really don't expect much I guess, honesty is good, I want you to send me my registration papers in a timely fashion (we have a set from a year ago we are still trying to get), it is nice to hear from you after the sale just a check up call to see how the animal turned out is nice.  I know there are some that sell the animal with services attached, but we really don't need that, but it is nice for those that do.

As a seller money would of course top the list, it is nice to know how the animal is doing, I like pictures (am willing to pay for them) of places the animal did well or like the county fair pictures for projects that are bought for that purpose, when we can we will go and watch shows that we have calves showing in. We don't sell our animals with services, but will give advice or point them in the right direction for things we can't help with.  I do expect you to feed and water the animal, it is such a let down when you send out a really nice animal only to find out the people you sold it to didn't care for it.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Good point Jill! I have battled & battled w/ some people on papers! No excuse on not getting them to you on a timely fashion! I've even had to make calls to the assoc on it a couple of times & once was told the person was a chronic hassle on paperwork.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
ELBEE said:
It's a "guy" thing. ;) Why do today what you can put off till tomarrow?

(lol)  Elbee! Must be a woman thing then, that we want it now or at least by yesterday!



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I simply expect them to honor what they say.  If I buy a bred heifer from you, and you state you want to have first shot at them, and will come look at them....come out and look at them for heavens sakes!  Nothing irritates me more than someone on the mic preaching how he is promising something, then never returns a call or anything. 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I agree wholeheartily! If you can't come out or are too busy, just tell me so. Don't keep saying you'll try & then never do & then I find out you were just down the road.
I like to buy from someone that has a sale or way for me to sell my offspring down the road. That is a great selling point to me.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
It's a "guy" thing. Wink Why do today what you can put off till tomarrow?

  Elbee! Must be a woman thing then, that we want it now or at least by yesterday!

see ohio girl thread part 3 for good metaphor.  my head hurts.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Just from MY experience and what I do:
As a seller: I am as honest as I can be with medical history, bloodlines, temperment, good points and weaknesses of the animal. I price them for what I want...usually with no bickering room. I don't like to bicker, so don't expect anyone else to either. If I price something at 2500, that is what I want. I have health papers for each animal to travel with the animal when it leaves the farm.  I register/transfer papers immediately.  I then call about a week later to make sure the animal made the adjustment and if there are any questions. I inquire about shows they will be attending. I then write it on the calender and call about 2 weeks BEFORE the show. Again to make sure all is well. I try and call again AFTER the show a week or two. Just to see how it went, and only if I can't attend the show. If I attend the show, I don't call.

As  buyer: I expect full honesty, but don't rely on it. I expect them to price the animal fairly and not jack the price up for bickering. Hate that! I expect health papers when I buy the animal including a TH and PHA test. I expect a full disclosure of vaccinations that animal has had.  I expect my registration papers within 30 days. I want the owner to call a few times, but not be a pain. If I have a question I want a return phone call within a few days, and an honest answer. I don't expect them to clip or care for my animal....that is MY responsibility. And I really don't care if they attend the show, as I know you can't be two places at one time!
A phone call after show season is nice, but I will also call and report if they don't.

Now if your talking bulls or breeding cows: Bulls I call a few weeks after delivery to make sure all is well. I then try and call after the first calving season to see how the calves turned out. Sometimes the calf report is good, sometimes not, but if it is an issue with the bull, I can talk through what the owner doesn't like, and usually find a solution. Cows, I try and check after their due date, but admit that doesn't always get done.
It goes without saying bulls are semen checked with 7 days of delivery and cows preg (if nessecary) 7 days before delivery and health papers go with it.

Its also nice, if I express interest in next years calves that you drop me a note about the calves/bulls/cows you have for sale the following year, but I don't expect it....if I want something bad enough, I will call you!!  :)
