KDSC I just can't get around her front wheels. She looks a little narrow and I would like to see her be bigger footed;perhaps even have some hooves. What she lacks in hair she certainly makes up for in shape. The one thing I really hate is how hard it is to find those Charolais cows out in the middle of a snow bank!
I think when we breed hooves into her calves that we should also try and get some eyes, a nose and maybe a mouth because if the other problems dont get those calves then not being able to see, eat or breath just may ;D
I have another one almost done, not as powerfull though :'( but so far she does have hooves ;D a tail , she only has one front leg you cant see the other, she has a nose, and she will have eyes ;D
well she wouldnt win anything around here. I was beat by a bull that was a "month" (times 3) older than my bull because he had a little more power... it didnt matter that he was meaner than snot and lame on three legs cause all that power
You draw cattle too? So do I. I draw cattle every year and bring them to the fair to show in open class while I'm showing my real cattle. I guess they're pretty good because the lowest placing I've ever got on any of my drawings was 2nd.
She looks good. I can't wait to see the finished picture. ;D