What is going on in Iowa?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
I saw a national poll that showed Iowa +9.5 points for Obama. Could someone explain?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Here's a site that shows kind of an aggregate of current polls, but I'll warn you up front it's not pretty right now if you're a McCain/Palin fan...    http://www.electoral-vote.com/      If I remember right, it missed on the last presidential election, partly because I think polltakers know where to go to get the results they're looking for, and maybe partly because the site has to do some guess-timation to fill in the blanks, and whether or not it's deliberate, it's bound to get somewhat slanted.  Regardless though, I've gotten kind of morbidly hooked on checking this site every few days, just to see what it says.

A couple of weeks ago it showed McCain with a slight lead, but Obama's been gaining ground fast over that time.  I'm not sure if it's this banking bailout thing (which makes Obama and or Dems look better why?), or if the debates have really hurt that much (I haven't had a chance to watch any of them)?

Mostly I think it's the liberal media dogging McCain/Palin and putting the worst possible spin on everything they say and do.  I wonder what would happen if all the ads and polls and opinionated media coverage were gone and the people were free to think for themselves?  I'm all for freedom of speech. but I for one am sick of a media that tries to spoonfeed the people only what they want us to know...

Like you BIGTEX, I'm at a loss at how so much of the country can overlook (or do they just not see?) the things that we find outrageous...



Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
There is also another good website for tracking polls, which don't hold much water. It does show different articles in both sides, it is  www.realclearpolitics.com

I was just curious about Iowa and why Obama is so far ahead in that state.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's pretty clear that demographics are changing so rapidly that cities, which are historically democratic, are sufficient in number to ignore the rest of the country.

when Gavin Newsome broke state law and allowed gay marriage in San Francisco, he said, "It's coming whether you like it or not".  to me, that's the slogan of the democratic party on EVERY issue. 

democrats are now emboldened, simply because of consolidation of business subsidy by government, and essentially socialism with tax dollars, read general welfare, that they can ignore any diversity.

profits are essentially illegal.

the bailout sure is working huh?

remember, peloisi has business investments in american samoa, and there was tax breaks in there for them.  not sure what that had to do with freeing up credit.  to quote pelosi, "the most ethical congress ever", and there isn't a thing you can do about it anymore.  they have finally reached critical mass.

this election will officially signify the end of the republic of the united states.  it will be a democracy, and will usher in a swifter decline.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Living in Iowa and having paricipated in some really lively debates with my misguided friends lately,  I would say this--it started out mostly as a war issue and has since then morphed into a referendum on the economy.  Most of the polls are taken by telephone or in larger towns which also skews it to the more urban, liberal side of things.  McCain did not help himself a couple of weeks ago when he made some negative remarks about ethanol subsidies either.

And of course, most people in Iowa habitually tune into the (old)major three networks for their local news where they are also inundated with left leaning national news organizations interpretation of national news and the campaign.  A friend of mine, who I thought would definitely be for McCain, surprised me a couple of weeks ago by boldy announcing she was for Obama.  She said Obama was against the war that we never should have gotten involved in and then the key tipoff--she said "you are listening to the wrong network news if you're against Obama!!  I think that pretty well sums it up!!  With the current economy problems being linked to Bush and, by association, to McCain it will be very difficult for McCain to gain back the ground he lost IMHO.  The only possibility would be  a  terrorism scare between now and the election. I still think Obama makes everyone a little nervous as a "Commander in Chief"!  Its too bad but most of America seems to be buying the Cool, Rock Star, Have an answer for everything but i've never really done anything package that's being sold right now.

Just think of Obama's cabinet---he could have Jeremiah Wright swear him in at his inauguration, have Bill Ayers as his Secretary of Homeland Security while his Co- Secretaries of the Treasury--  Cox and Frank-- are running the economy.    With Pelosi and her cronies ramming through every spending bill he wants.

Heaven help us!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
repubs and democrats have overreached and lost their ways.

ethanol should not be subsidized and we should buy cheaper ethanol from brazil and quit/minimize the subsidy nonsense for votes nonsense. 

land values are based on subsidies and deter new farmers.

perhaps with profit outlawed, a new dawn will bring happiness to everyone.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Bret Baier hosted an hour long show on Fox News Sunday (it aired 3 times) regarding the economic crisis and what's next.  It should be required viewing for everyone in America.  The show focused on the government's desire to insure every American owned a house dating back to the Great Depression and FDR and followed the progression through LBJ's war on poverty to the present.  The show did not have a round table of talking head 'experts', each with their talking points.  Rather, we were shown actual congressional testimony, actual bills that were signed into law, and other legislation introduced, but never making it out of committee due to parliamentary procedures.  President Clinton signed a Democratic sponsored bill into law in the late 90's that made it far easier and actually desirable for Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to make sub-prime loans.  These two entities were actually encouraged to have a portfolio of up to 50% sub-prime loans! The fact is all of government is to blame.  However, the show documents at least 4 instances from 2001 through 2005 where the Bush Administration encouraged Congress to take action to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.  Included is testimony from Alan Greenspan saying the same thing.  Each time, I saw Barney Frank and friends testify that these entities were absolutely safe and needed no government meddling.  In the past week, I have seen this same person state that all the problems were caused by Republicans and their lack of setting up proper controls!  Then I have to watch Nany Pelosi say on national TV that the entire crisis has been caused by George Bush's economic policies!  I find it appalling that Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are allowed to contribute to political campaigns.  It is interesting to note that, in spite of only being a senator for 2 1/2 years, Barrack Obama has received the second highest amount of contributions of any senator over the past 10 years from Fannie Mae.  By the way, his friend Franklin Rains (sp?) is still under SEC investigation for cooking the books of Fannie Mae and resigned his position with them in 2004.  Again, this show should be required viewing.  There is little if any conjecture, all of the facts presented are a matter of public record.  The whole situation was explained expertly and placed the blame directly where it should be place:  on our elected representatives.  And we expect them to dig us out of it?


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Our local Representative voted against the bailout. If he hadn't he was not going to get my vote, as he is up for reelection. It is a shame it passed. Would have been interesting to see what would have happened. I guess we'll never know.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
thee most ethical congress ever, yet they won't get rid of anyone, jefferson, rangel, pelosi herself, frank, etc, yet let someone say macaca, or tap in a toilet and they've gotta step down.  what a joke.  this scam is worse than enron and world com and people are still in office using trying to get REELECTED.  of course they will.