Work ethic

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Show Hef, and others- Please don't take this the wrong way, because I sure don't want this to sound hateful. 

I know that there are probably a bunch of kids that do some winning that have the parents doing all of the work, but from where I come from, and from quite a few people that I know that compete at state and national levels (myself included), the kids do the work. My dad doesn't touch my heifers or my sister's.  Yeah, he used to clip and fit when I was little, but as soon as I was old enough to do it, I learned, and this is the case for a lot of my friends that show.  I know that you're not talking about kids that do the work, but you kind of make it sound like NO kids do ANY work ANY TIME. And this is just not true. I'm really sorry if this is just a stupid post (pretty tired from a LOOOONG two weeks and counting on the road showing), but I know that I and a bunch of other kids put in 14 hour days, and work a helluva lot harder than some adults.

Justin Olson


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
I know there' a lot of kids who don't know the meaning of responsibility, but most of the young folks on this board made the decision to get involved with cattle and that means if they haven't learned some responsibility yet--they soon will if they want to succeed.

I think there's a larger percentage of our young folks who will do the right thing if given the chance than many of the more experienced( I don't dare say older) of us would probably admit.  We also don't like to admit that most of us see the world of our youth through slightly selective lenses.  I probably didn't work as hard as I'd like to believe I did when I was young and, truth be told,  my parents probably did more for me than I now remember.    That's not really the point, though!!  Some of you have said it more eloquently than this simple Iowegian can, but I just want the younger folks who post on this board to know that we really respect their energy, enthusiasm, and drive for the cattle business!  I also envy you your youth and opportunities.  Man, would I have liked to have a source of information like SP and its members when I was 15-25!!  Think of the mistakes I could have avoided!!

Don't worry young folks!!  If you need us or our advice, we're right here behind you!! We expect you to deliver the message to the rest of the uneducated world about the positives of our industry and our products.  I hope that you keep your energy and enthusiasm for our industry and once in a while you ask one of the more experienced folks on this board for a little input or advice--even if you don't think you need it.  It'll make us old, grumpy guys feel needed!!


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Too much money given too easily to kids... A friend's daughter works at Sonic (only during peak hours) and averages $30.00 an hour with tips.  It's tough to explain to a kid why they should do something more time consuming or demanding.  On the other hand, I will say that hard work/responsibility is rewarded by employers/schools.  I have to brag on my eldest for a second.  She is incredibly hard working and responsible.  She has always cared for her animals to the point of getting up every two hours around the clock when raising chickens for the majors.  She also graduated in June  from highschool (32 out of 1200 kids) while working an average of 30 hours per week.  We thought she would be out of luck when it came to scholarships (white, middle class, etc.), but she has been awarded over $100,000.00 for the four years.  That doesn't even count the Houston Livestock Show one for $15,000 that she had to decline because of their regulations (can't have been awarded $40,000 or more).  It certainly has helped justify the investment we have made in her animals over the years.  She learned time management, focus, responsibility,etc.  Hopefully she keeps it up in college!


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
West Jefferson, Ohio
I have been showing for many years and have seen so many times when the person showing the animal came right before the animal went in the ring and took the halter. There's nothing that makes you anymore mad than that. Especially when I know that I have done all the work myself and then you get beat by them. But, it's also the best feeling in the world to beat those people and knowing all my hard work payed off. Those kids that put no effort into their animals are not getting one thing from the experience. I think that is what is causing the younger generation to be the way they are.....always having everything given to them and not putting any effort into it.


Apr 28, 2008
Breezewood, Pennsylvania
this is my first year showing but I've been around the whole thing for a while now and it really makes me mad when the parents buy the animal and do all the work the when the sale comes the kid gets to keep the money.

It really makes me made when the kid steps into the ring and the steer throws his head a little and the kid looks scared to death of it. then as soon as their done the parent or somebody takes it and puts it away while the kid is off to ride the rides or hanging out with friends
like i said This is my first year showing and I have done all the work and spent all the money to make my animals look good. My parents wont even be at the fair the hole week, only to see me show and at the sale. but i have many friends who will help me when i don't know what to do

just my 2 cents