Okay, I know you're all waiting to hear this from me...
First of all DL, you said from a carrier bull, so I'm assuming you mean it's from free cow (no chance of an actual PHA affected calf, but a 50% chance of a carrier). In that case, for a proven show steer mating, yes I would. Someone better at math than I am may come along and correct me, but I'm thinking that gives me a 50% chance of a bull calf that'll get cut anyway, 25% chance of a free heifer, and 25% chance of a carrier heifer. If a bull or heifer was my goal, no, I wouldn't be at all interested, but if I know the embryo's from a mating that has produced high dollar, winning steers, I guess I could stand that 25% risk of ending up with a carrier heifer (who can still be used if her quality warrants it) vs. the 75% chance that I'll get a calf that'll either be clean, or it won't matter if it is, that could possibly multiply that $1000 -$1200 several times over.
Let the flogging commence.
Oh and, DL - I'm trying to wish this rain your way.