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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's currently being floated in CA to include amnesty for illegal aliens to help pay for this.  the problem is that who will pay for THEIR benefits.

it's being proposed right now in CA to increase taxes and reduce govt.  problem is, govt has never been traditionally reduced, so all we'll get is raised taxes.  what business in their right mind would locate in CA or the US for that matter.  AT&T can't find workers to replace call centers in india, and we want to import people who can't read and right in their own language, no background check, nothing.  resistance to this will be posed as racism and other fingerpointing, rather than do what everyone would do if this was their personal financial situation, cut spending, like the bay area air resources board which has 325 employees to track AIR pollution and come up with plans to limit chimmney smoke.  importing poor poeple will automatically increase the number of people who do this, and even light barbeque's in their house because gas is too expensive, and they live at double occupancy rates and when the kids die from smoke inhallation, it's all over the news, but NO ONE will do ANYTHING about it because it's racist.

we are turning our country into a govt mandated assisted living center which will focus more than 50% of our health care dollars onthe last 1-3 years of one's life.  changing one's diet is cheaper and more holistically effective than most medicine's. but will anyone do it?  when i have beer and ice cream for dinner, it's like once a month, not every meal while one watches the today show, ellen, days of our lives, dr. phil, oprah, jeopardy, wheel and gets NOTHING done. 