Your thoughts on a fund raiser

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showsteer mom

Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
Looking at a fundraiser to take some financial strain off our community to put on our prospect show. In our area, our community is dollared to death for events. Would like to give them alittle bit of a breather.

What does everyone think about raffling off  2-$500 gift certs to Sullivan Supply. Is that something that any of you would buy if they were out there? I know in this economy and the show season getting ready to start, I thought it might be a great idea.

NOW,  your thoughts?

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
How about just $500 cash instead? 

Then you are appealing to non-show households who even though not in the livestock business, would welcome the chance to win $500.

Cow-patty contests on a football field are fun as well.  I'm sure you've seen them.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2008
An adult showmaship with money towards fundraiser and winner gets bragging rights for a year and a good cause.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SouthWest said:
An adult showmaship with money towards fundraiser and winner gets bragging rights for a year and a good cause.

now there's change you can shake a show stick at.  would love to see that!  maybe have a kid on the livestock judging team judge showmanship.  think of all the complaints about the results!  seriously, that is a great idea.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
West Tennessee
knabe said:
SouthWest said:
An adult showmaship with money towards fundraiser and winner gets bragging rights for a year and a good cause.

now there's change you can shake a show stick at.  would love to see that!  maybe have a kid on the livestock judging team judge showmanship.  think of all the complaints about the results!  seriously, that is a great idea.

They do this at one of our local county fairs at the breeding cattle show (Old Timers Showmanship).  $10 to enter and the winner gets a tiny trophy and the right to choose if the money goes to the local FFA or to the 4-H Junior livestock programs.  They usually have 2-3 classes with 10 or more entries and a couple of the juniors judge the contest. 

Ms Ray

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
if you are goin to do a raffle 50/50 raffles are great you keep 50% of the money the winner gets 50% then you don't have to worry about putting out more in prizes then you bring in or getting donations


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
showsteer mom said:
Looking at a fundraiser to take some financial strain off our community to put on our prospect show. In our area, our community is dollared to death for events. Would like to give them alittle bit of a breather.

What does everyone think about raffling off  2-$500 gift certs to Sullivan Supply. Is that something that any of you would buy if they were out there? I know in this economy and the show season getting ready to start, I thought it might be a great idea.

NOW,  your thoughts?

What are you going to have for expenses at the show?  In our county 4H Clubs can use the fairgrounds at no cost so the only real expense to put on a show would be ribbons and the judge.

Why not just have the show stand on it's own.....entry fees pay the expenses?


Pure Chaos

Feb 11, 2010
We've had old timer showmanship where you pay $10 to enter someone (generally all the kids hit us up for $10 and we don't know why) and then you have to pay $5 to get out of it.  Those who want to compete get to do so. 


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
We call it Over the Hill Showmanship.  The cost is $5 to enter someone and another $10 to opt out.  We have the winner of the showmanship be the judge.  I love the questions that the kid asks.  Some are pretty funny and the answers are even better.  The money is then donated to what ever cause.  One time I got entered 5 time as I kept opting out.  Finally I figured someone wanted to see me show a pig.  Wasn't pretty but I got it done.  (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2010
I think all are good fundraising ideas, however you have to be careful raffling off straight up cash or even those pre-paid visa most states to do that you have to have a gambling license and you get taxed like crazy for it...I dont know where you are at or what your states rules are so you may want to check on that...its ussually a safer idea to just get a gift card to somewhere.
As far as the Adult Showmanship I have seen several clubs make really good money off that I saw that I really liked was the TJLA did it during the State Market Hog Show in Louisiana last year...anyone could walk up and pay the $5 or $10( I forget what it was) entry fee and right down anyones name that they wanted to show...if someone got entered and didnt want to show they had to pay double to get out of showing.  I think they made really good money on it


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
was going to mention the small games of chance license. also we have a silent raffle with donated items. fayette county fair gets really nice gift baskets from local merchants, from gift cards to soaps and what nots. i know i watched some of them go for $50 plus.

showsteer mom

Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
blackcows said:
showsteer mom said:
Looking at a fundraiser to take some financial strain off our community to put on our prospect show. In our area, our community is dollared to death for events. Would like to give them alittle bit of a breather.

What does everyone think about raffling off  2-$500 gift certs to Sullivan Supply. Is that something that any of you would buy if they were out there? I know in this economy and the show season getting ready to start, I thought it might be a great idea.

NOW,  your thoughts?

What are you going to have for expenses at the show?  In our county 4H Clubs can use the fairgrounds at no cost so the only real expense to put on a show would be ribbons and the judge.

Why not just have the show stand on it's own.....entry fees pay the expenses?


We have three shows in two days and offer breed prizes and buckles etc for two of them. The third one pays its own way. Our show normally costs $5000 + to put on, and we get that money from sponsors in the community and put on some clinics to offset the cost as well. Not sure the clinic is going to fly this year. So trying to come up with ideas to help out.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Middle TN
We do a showbook/program with pics of the kids with their calves and sell ads. Its a great way for those who won't/can't sponsor a calf to participate. A lot of family members do good luck/congrats kind of ads.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
We used to have a round robin adult showmanship contests at our local just for fun and bragging rights.  Then one day the ag teacher and I came up with the idea of charging a $5 entry fee (per species) and giving away a showbox (which I got at cost for around $200).  We figured the entries would pay for the box and maybe make a few bucks to put towards show expenses - of course we were still planning for it to be all in fun.  It ended up making several hundred dollars with like 30 entries each in cattle and goats, and over 40 in sheep (we didn't have any hogs) - this at a show where there were less than 30 kids showing total.  Turns out some people were very, very serious about trying to win that showbox - they gathered up all of their family and friends in the community that had ever shown (that part was fun), but some even brought in ringers (college kids from other places with lots of showring experience) just to try to win the box.  The good part was that my father in law ended up winning (and he was in it just for fun).  After that we decided that since that one was on the verge of getting ugly,  we probably didn't need to try that again.  That was just our experience, though.

Yes, the Sullivans gift certificates are something I'd buy chances on, and if you're trying just to sell chances at the show and not tap your community any more (I can understand that) it sounds like a good way to go.  But no one besides show people will be interested - something that would appeal to everyone might sell more chances.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
4-H Club had a golf tournament last year, I think we made about 4500 on it.
