Monopoly Clones

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Ruebush Shorthorns

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
It is hard to tell from just a picture but I am choosing #2 based on the picture.
Wish their was some more info on them like TH status, which I would guess they both are carriers and birth weights also.

Shady Lane

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
Saskatchewan Canada
Ruebush Shorthorns said:
It is hard to tell from just a picture but I am choosing #2 based on the picture.
Wish their was some more info on them like TH status, which I would guess they both are carriers and birth weights also.

If they are clones then yes they are definitely going to be TH carriers, Monopoly is a carrier if I recall?

So if the original has it, the copy (or clone) will too!

  The guy who can figure out how to remove the TH is going to make himself rich!



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Cascade, Iowa
Wow hit the nail right on the head.  People are finally figuring out that there needs to be another alternative, besides heatwave and heatwave sons.  If feel the same way as the previous post, that the next hot bull that isnt a heatwave son or a th carrier is going to make there owners very very wealthy.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2009
They both look alot closer to the original, more so than any of the heat wave sons, imo  . # 2


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
Both look real neat..but if i were to pick just one id go with clone 2(pic #1)


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2008
Lakeside, Arizona
The price of clone number 2 just went up due to people liking him better than 3. LOL just kidding. But that was my first thought.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
the truth said:
they are clones.. it shouldn't matter how they look... 
Diamond said:
Im just glad theres clones now  ;D

why?  because you aren't real interested in genetic change, and wat a rerun of HW? 
Well aren’t you a charm, touchy much, or do you make a habit of being a jerk? no I’m happy because I rather pay $25 then $75 for semen thanks.  As far as fluff, sure, there’s a lot of it, but for some reason your hand only go so far, and a real judge can see threw hair.  What I do know is my last steer out of him had a 76% yield from live weight and was quiet enough to let an 11 year old with health problems,  weak as a twig get right in the running for showman and take home a few supreme champion steer. I have seen quite a few calves out of that bull with great disposition. So as long as they let kids like her have a shot at feeling proud of themselves, Ill be grateful that bulls like him are around to be used. Did I say I wanted to breed him to a hw daughter? No. So I really don’t care if some know it all like yourself has to put your two cents in, because really your input isn’t worth anything in my book.  :mad:


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
Diamond said:
the truth said:
they are clones.. it shouldn't matter how they look... 
Diamond said:
Im just glad theres clones now  ;D

why?  because you aren't real interested in genetic change, and wat a rerun of HW? 
Well aren’t you a charm, touchy much, or do you make a habit of being a jerk? no I’m happy because I rather pay $25 then $75 for semen thanks.  As far as fluff, sure, there’s a lot of it, but for some reason your hand only go so far, and a real judge can see threw hair.  What I do know is my last steer out of him had a 76% yield from live weight and was quiet enough to let an 11 year old with health problems,  weak as a twig get right in the running for showman and take home a few supreme champion steer. I have seen quite a few calves out of that bull with great disposition. So as long as they let kids like her have a shot at feeling proud of themselves, Ill be grateful that bulls like him are around to be used. Did I say I wanted to breed him to a hw daughter? No. So I really don’t care if some know it all like yourself has to put your two cents in, because really your input isn’t worth anything in my book.  :mad:

I like starting arguements :eek:, and it's not the first time I've been called a jerk (clapping). 
it may be just my personal opinion.. but I doubt it, in saying that I never said you had to breed him to a HW dtr.. I'm refering that in using and creating all these clones, the oportunities for using these bulls will always exist; thus enabling the rate of genetic exchange.  If you continue using these lines, the genetic pool narrows, narrows, and narrows even more.  What else is out there other than WMW and HW?  Old school stuff that isn't "Cool" anymore, or purebred stuff that can't compete in a steer show unless it has the two already mentioned in it?  When was the last time in a sale catalog, or show something was there that didn't have them in them?  Eventually, something will have to come out that isn't crossed b/w the two over and over.  If you love Monopoly so much, maybe you should use one of his two brothers? <rock> 
Yes, a real judge can read through hair, but have you seen these two bulls in person, and handled them?  I doubt it, if you have, then applaud to you..  If not, with enough hair, twine, and a good photoshop.. you can make any bull look perfect in a picture.  This is where most people get burned!
Did I say anything about disposition?, or did you just try to get people on your side of the arguement by making those few feel sorry for you?  I've got a cousin too that has had plenty of health problems- so many I doubt another child alive has been through much worse- double lung transplant right after birth, and the first 3 years in the hospital, and the last 2 in and out monthly; he's 5- and now autistic (sp) due to all the steroids before birth when his mother was laid up due to her water breaking 3 months post due date.. Did I bring this up to counter act your response?  I'm not sure.
One more :mad:


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
the truth said:
Diamond said:
the truth said:
they are clones.. it shouldn't matter how they look... 
Personally, I could give a rats about winning an argument or rallying people on my side, I also did not state  her ailments to gain support I don’t care who agrees or disagrees with me. However, last time I checked, showing was geared towards CHILDREN and disposition IS a marking of a great bull. No I have not  handled monopoly, but have seen him work on many different cows and threw some great calves out of junk.  Not to mention the ideal show animal is constantly changing, or did you miss the ten foot tall stage? Not to mention how often do siblings differ from each other?  Your not going to stop cattle being cloned, nor people breeding them so your  input on my own comment has no grounds. Maybe you should stop trying to be the focus of attention.
As far as your cousin, yes that’s tragic, but don’t ever compare one persons pain to another, there is always worse situations and ill leave it at that.

Personally, I would like to see what you consider a good one…

Oh and FYI I'm Ecstatic they made his clones, and your not going to alter my opinion .


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
Damn some of you people are crazy. Are we still talking bulls?

If we are still talking cattle , I'll take the original.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2007
I don't think theres anything wrong with clones, I mean obviously you look at what heatwave has accomplished and all of the national, state and county levels his calves have dominated and the promotion al sires he has produced. Monopoly imo is better than heatwave he can really soften up and when bred to a maternal larger framed cow can bring them down a little soften them up and give them some style. I mean you look at the shorthorn breed and theres some bulls that alot of people use and then they have to find an outcross bull. I think your exactly right truth about it sucks that almost verything clubby these days has some type of heatwave in him and its flooding the market, but at the same time its not like his calves and prodigy aren't producing some serious results. I think where alot of people in this show world go wrong is they so often breed big boned clubby mommas to even clubbier bulls and time and time again end up with cripples or runts that just don't last in the pasture. Then that leads to th and pha and all this mess. we as humans just got to carried away with making bigger and badder cattle till we produced a train wreck and don't know how to fix it. I hope I didn't rant to much and apologize if I did but had to get that off my chest. I did not attack and did not target anyone in this, I believe diamond and truth have two valid points but guys lets keep the gloves off and just get along.

Btw back to the original topic I like number 2  <rock>

BN 32

Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
Purple Reign said:
I don't think theres anything wrong with clones, I mean obviously you look at what heatwave has accomplished and all of the national, state and county levels his calves have dominated and the promotion al sires he has produced. Monopoly imo is better than heatwave he can really soften up and when bred to a maternal larger framed cow can bring them down a little soften them up and give them some style. I mean you look at the shorthorn breed and theres some bulls that alot of people use and then they have to find an outcross bull. I think your exactly right truth about it sucks that almost verything clubby these days has some type of heatwave in him and its flooding the market, but at the same time its not like his calves and prodigy aren't producing some serious results. I think where alot of people in this show world go wrong is they so often breed big boned clubby mommas to even clubbier bulls and time and time again end up with cripples or runts that just don't last in the pasture. Then that leads to th and pha and all this mess. we as humans just got to carried away with making bigger and badder cattle till we produced a train wreck and don't know how to fix it. I hope I didn't rant to much and apologize if I did but had to get that off my chest. I did not attack and did not target anyone in this, I believe diamond and truth have two valid points but guys lets keep the gloves off and just get along.

Btw back to the original topic I like number 2  <rock>                             I Agree


Well-known member
May 14, 2007
I like the picture of #3 myself while I will take either one when it comes to ordering (What really matters). The difference if any between the two probably really doesn't matter when breeding cows. Unless you have perfect cows, does it really matter?
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