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  1. C

    Zilmax and Optaflexx Photos

    Re: FDA and Zilmax, here an article. "(Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Friday it was working with drugmaker Merck & Co and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to gather information on the cattle feed additive Zilmax and determine if it is unsafe. The FDA, in an email...
  2. C

    Zilmax and Optaflexx Photos

    To answer your question: No.  And I doubt you'll find many, if any.  Zilmax was taken off the market by the FDA.  Optaflexx is still available. 
  3. C

    Anyone with experience using sexed semen?

    No doubt you'll have less of a conception rate, but then again you may be lucky.  You might increase by using two straws, then you're still not at the same semen level as conventional.  Sounds to me your main concern is getting her bred.  I'd go with conventional and use two straws of that (6...
  4. C

    Pour-On Dewormer's burning backs

    Been having problems with certain pour-on dewormers burning backs of show calves.  The skin then flakes and sometimes hair will fall out in clumps.  Gone to injections, but then some calves absolutely hate to have their necks touched after that for months.  We have used Dectomax primarly. ...
  5. C

    How far would you Travel for Jackpot with $10,000 added money?

    GoWyo, it would actually be in Utah.  CO does indeed have a lot of good cattle and it would be about a 5-8 hr drive for most.  The facilities are quite good and being improved. 
  6. C

    Gooseneck Trailer: Hauling Cattle and Show Equipment

    We have 30' Eby.  If it's a long haul we put take up front and roll gate up to tack.  Cattle on back.  Trailer has triples so it doesn't bounce like double axles.  After a long haul we like to get the cattle off, usually plenty of time to unload tack.  However if we're only going an hour or two...
  7. C

    Steers Won't Eat - At Wits End

    What color is the stool?  You probably need to increase hay consumption.  Have you been weighing the steers to see if they are gaining weight? 
  8. C

    Best CE bull to use on my heifer

    I agree with GoWyo.  EXAR Tryon is a great calving ease choice and you won't throw the calf away either.  Remember, he's a full brother to Lutton.
  9. C

    How far would you Travel for Jackpot with $10,000 added money?

    I think we can pay down a ways and make it attractive for many while still paying out a "chunk o' cash" to the winners.  I wish we could draw like you guys do in the mid-west, but this would be in the Rocky Mountains.  Thus the reason for a big payout to get a good draw. 
  10. C

    How far would you Travel for Jackpot with $10,000 added money?

    Looking to really draw from out of state and interested to find out how far you all would travel for a steer and heifer show if there was $10,000 added money.  I'm thinking payout for grand in both heifer and steer divisions would be around $3000+.  Would you all load up and travel...
  11. C

    Bodacious Birth Weights

    We had a bull calf born last year out of a mature PB simmi cow.  Calf was 87#.  Huge bone, huge hair, and really good.  He is hitting about 1020 right now and is really starting to look good.  Very sound and moves out well. 
  12. C

    Water in California not for ag??

    It's not the only state where water has been taken from farmers and ranchers.  Oregon farmers and ranchers have lost water rights to "save the native fish" habitat.  That was the "gift" of the worst federal judge on the bench, Judge Lynn Winmill.  To say the least he caters to the enviro's with...
  13. C

    Birth Weights on Texas Twister

    @LimFlex, with the cows I'm using, I can handle a 100#r, but anything over that I start to get pretty weary.  Did you say both calves were heifers, or were they out of heifers?  Bred and Owned, please keep us updated on those calves. 
  14. C

    Simmental Bulls

    I agree with Firesweep.  There are far too many calving ease simmi bulls out there to select Macho or Fat Butt.  Unless you guys missed the Denver pen show, I'd take a serious look at GLS New Direction.  My Gunslinger calves came small and have incredible bone, hair and look.  Shocking Dream...
  15. C

    Birth Weights on Texas Twister

    Just ordered a few of Texas Twister.  With that said, I'm reluctant to put any straws in until I get a better idea of what his birth weights have been, and what kind of cows they came out of.  My cows are Simmental/Angus, of varying percentages. 