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  1. S

    Enlighten me on show supply suppliers for JR Natl's!!

    I am also proud to support Sullivan Supply.  They are great supporters of youth in many ways.  You can tell they have a passion for their baby (supply company).  The performance of their products is superior and they have given back a lot and didn’t have to.  Good people, good family. Hamms is a...
  2. S

    cow milk help!

    Feed the cow extra grain with some type of fat supplement for extra energy. Should increase the milk. Good luck. Sounds like you gotta headache on you hands.
  3. S

    Electric Fence

    For show cattle I would use 3 strands. Make sure you put some type of tightening reel on the wire so you can keep the tension on the wire tight. Over time the wire will sag. Gallagher solar chargers have worked well for us.
  4. S

    sensitive skin

    I would also put a lot of conditioner back in the hair right after you finish dying the heifer. Revive works well or I know a lot of people who brush in some Mane-n-Tail conditioner. Make sure you mix Kleen Sheen with the dye.
  5. S

    Cattle water made from large old tires

    Heard of a lot of peole use these tires for waterers. Sounds like they last forever. Do you have to put something across the top to keep the cattle from getting in them?