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  1. C

    choosing a bull..... numbers...?

    can someone tell me what these numbers mean? i know what the letters stand for i just dont know how to read these numbers. i am sure they are some kind of scoring system or something, i am looking into possibly using one of these bulls for my heifer and i would like to know what all the numbers...
  2. C

    how do you like your girl?

    just wandering how you like your heifers, and cows. how "finished" or fat do you like them? feel free to add picutres!!:) i like mine a little on the fat side, still femanine looking but i like some fat in the flanks and a nice bum on them. definatly not as fat a steer but i like a little meet...
  3. C

    keeping the hair!

    my black angus steer has really good hair right now, he is loosing his winter hair but i think its more then just the winter hair, he is shedding ALOT more then winter would. and in some places like his bum and between his back legs i can ctually pull like chuks out! i dont want a balled steer...
  4. C

    steer not gaining like i would like..

    i have a black angus show steer who is not gaining near to what i would like. he does not eat as much as my steers in the past. he weighs about 1127lbs right now, he NEEDS to be finished by july 1st or sooner! he will finish out bigger than 1300 probably. would triticale do anything for him? i...