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    Nile 2014 club calf sale

    one of ICC consignments
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    Just a little note are tallie/vortec hrf was named Grand Champion @ 2014 MT. State Fair, 2014 MT Jr Beef Expo and 2014 ND Jr Beef Expo
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    These are a few pictures that my son took on his phone of the calves we had on display,showed , and sold in Denver.
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    Tallie Vortec
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    Now that I know that everyone wants to look at 6 month old calves not grown up, but fat little pigs next year I,ll put out creep at 2 months of age and take my pics in tall grass. So their is no sky under them. (where's the feet) Was that not a post from a week ago or so.
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    Here is the last pic that I will post on izzy and tallie, their is still one shorthorn  hfr to come.
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    I'm sorry I do not have any pasture pics. As a 2 year old he was out with his girls from 6/1/2012 to 7/15/2012 then back home to get ready for MT state fair Aug. 1st  and other MT shows. Then off to Denver to be on Display again. After Denver he went back to Origen, to be collected for Canada...
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    Here is the the bull calf we keep from izzy and tallie. What we are doing with him I do not know! All of these calf were put on a creep feeder on aug. 20th with the recp. on grass only.
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    Here is the first of four sisters form tallie and izzy. There is going to be a pic coming from a purebred hfr  out of a vortec cow
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    Izzy and another side to tallie
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    tallie at denver
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    tallie steer out of izzy, are heatwave m734 donor we got in Denver 2012
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    Great news Tallie froze again so we have decide to lower is price back to $30. If you got some at $60 I will double your order, if you need help with this call me 406-974-2293
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    I was wondering if any one else has had any calves yet by Tallie. Are calves look great. The colors, hair, muscle, and the correctness with all kinds of style. Good news he froze a collection and when he does it again we lower the back to 30. Any ???? call 406-485-2292
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    hoover dam on first calf heifers

    HD is one of the best CE Angus that will add mucle and the look for the ring
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    Soundest club calf bull

    A bull that I believe to be one of the thickest, correct, free moving and great hair with awesome color you need to look at is Talladega. His first calves are looking awesome.
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    Suggestion on white shorthorn bull?

    Go to Origen web site and look up MS Whitehouse 608 he is a moose son with very good muscle, but just ok on birth for Hfrs. Or call 406-485-2292
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    Just a little update. Tallie was not producing semen so we decided to up his price to $60, but exciting news on Friday! He may nave started again, so if he has, and if anyone ordered 60 dollar semen I'll double your order if he started to freeze again. you can call 406-974-2293 for help with...
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    Best Shorthorn Bull

    I Would add Talladega to the list. We have had about 20 calves from 84 to 94 on most of them, the biggest one so far over due by 11 days was 104 on a cross bred. and a shorthorn was 104. They all look extremely thick and hairy. Go Semex Beef and see his new pic.
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    Angus Bulls

    Go Origens web site and look up GMAR End Product , we are going to use him for angus show hfrs. and also on are cross breds.