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  1. T

    Body Clipping

    I got a group of show calves going to a county fair in August and also several summer shows (Junior Nationals). I have heard that clipping calves body hair down helps to restart growth and make it come on thicker.  Is there much truth to that? Also when do you start doing this like do it now for...
  2. T

    Shorthorn Steer Selling Sat. Sep. 4

    Hi, I thought I would post a picture of a shorthorn calf I have consigned to the Champaign County Kick Off Classic Show/Sale.  This is a board sale held after the show on Saturday September 4,2010, with the initial bids closing at 5:00 p.m. He is a March 1 son of Hi View Ace of Diamonds out of...
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    SS Kaboom

    Hi, I have been considering breeding some of my purebreed shorthorn cows to SS Kaboom.  Is this bull very good for the price, and if so what cows does he work best on, and what for calves should I expect out of him. Thanks
  4. T

    What to breed her to?

    Hi, this is my first time on Steerplanet I know there is many great people on here, and that have very good advice! So I was wondering on a purebred shorthorn heifer, out of 4D Double Vision and a Sonny Cow what would be a good TH and PHA free option that would throw a good show prospect calf...