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  1. P

    SEMEN Must have. Now and Future

    Whats your thoughts on semen to get now and to continue using in the future? Will be heading to OHIO BEEF EXPO next month to pick up semen. Looking for consistent bulls and maybe a couple new bulls you wouldn't be afraid to bet the farm on.
  2. P

    Cover the basics in clipping and preparing your calf

    I was asked to put on a demonstation for our local 4H club on clipping and daily care. Was just asking for advice on what major topics to discuss that will run smoothly and efficient. Expecting around 40 kids.
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    Hair Supplements

    Which do you prefer? SHAG HIDE AND HAIR FLAIR Always used SHAG before with good results as far as holding hair not growing it in the spring/summer months. Was curious about the other products and results
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    5 Must have bulls

    Heading to OBE in a couple of weeks. Just starting out to breed and if you was getting into breeding what are the 5 MUST HAVE BULLS to get semen on?
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    Steer 3D logos and graphics

    Looking for the steer 3D logos or graphics Have seen hats and shirts with them on but have not found anywhere to get them and order
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    PA Farm Show

    What were your thoughts on Grand and Reserve Who did you think that should of vied for the top spot?
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    Need STEER!

    Had a freak accident and unfortuneatly on the look for another steer Taking any offers at this point. Would appreciate pics
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    Best bull to have in a cows pedigree?

    Who is the best bull to must have in a cows pedigree to produce the best club calves and make club calf mommas?
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    Wanted: Purebred *bred* heifers or cows or WMW heifers

    I m looking for WMW heifers or cows can be bred or open. Also looking for purebred maine, shorthorn, or angus bred heifers or cows that will be having a purebred calf next spring.
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    Need more cover

    7 weeks out. What are good products or supplements to put on the extra touch of cover on fast
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    PA Southeast Beef Expo

    Whats your thoughts on the cattle that showed up and also the judge from Texas?
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    POKER FACE bull at Ohio Expo

    What was everyones thoughts on him for bein a 3/4 maine clean bull?
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    Calving Ease Bulls

    Looking for club calf calving easing bulls. I m heading out to OHio next week and was looking for opinions on whats the better calving easing bulls out there that you don't have to throw away the calf crop. Thoughts on the calves out of Smokin Joe? Or the Shiver bull? Also Mercedes Benz?
  14. P

    Bulls To breed to

    I have a Heatwave1 X Angus  ET heifer and also just an Angus influenced heifer getting ready to breed in May. Would like to see what you guys would breed them to and ALSO just to hear what are the no brainer bulls to get semen on. BESIDES HEATEWAVE.
  15. P

    clipping out calves

    When you are clipping for a show what does everyone use for there heads, neck and on there tops. I mostly use all andis blades. Medium blending and Blocking. What other blades do I need to get or guards?