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  1. S

    Black River Spring Thaw (NEW WI SHOW)

    Thanks for a great show!  How can we get ahold of the pictures from it?
  2. S

    Black River Spring Thaw (NEW WI SHOW)

    We will be coming with a group from our county!
  3. S

    any WI shows in the spring or late winter?

    I believe payout at the Pioneer Showdown is $500 for Grand Steer and Heifer, and goes down from there for the top 5? But, i'm not 100% on that.  As far as competition goes, it's pretty good.  We have been going the last few years and you have a lot of nice cattle from WI, IL, IA, and MN...
  4. S

    Stupid Fair Rules.

    My advice is: Beat them at their own game.  Work your hair to the point that it stands up on it's own.  Hard work and a little elbow grease will take you farther then a spray can ever will.  I won county a couple years back with a 'blow and go' steer over fitted steers because I had spent my...
  5. S

    calf name

    Any celebrities/athletes you like? Thats usually what I stick with! Then the names are easy to remember!
  6. S

    any WI shows in the spring or late winter?

    There is also the UWRF show in Ellsworth the 1st weekend in May usually. I like that show, 2 rings on one day, you walk out of one ring and practically walk right in the next.  You only have to wash and fit once that way, but still get the benefit of a 2 ring show.
  7. S

    The craziest thing you have seen at a cattle show

    This year at the Wisconsin State Fair, we were on the main aisle with kids running up and down it like mad, and animals in and out on the way to the wash racks and show ring.  My dad was just about to clean up a mess a heifer had left behind, when along came this little 4 or so year old girl...
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    Calf for Sale Shorthorn Heifer

    Can I get the price on her? PM me please :)
  9. S

    ***Grooming Chute Wanted***

    We are looking for an aluminum grooming chute to buy.  We're located in Western WI. Thanks :)
  10. S

    Monopoly heifer for sale/Registered Chi

    PM me the price please :)