20 million illegal aliens

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
man, i am trying really hard not to add to this thread, but here goes.  we are paying mexico to secure their border?

we are stupid.  notice the word regionally.  it's as if we the US is already dissolved.  whatever happened to thinking locally?  just doesn't fit into destroying america.  bush :mad:


To achieve these goals, President Bush has requested $550 million as part of a multi-year program to provide:

“The United States is committed to this joint strategy to deal with a joint problem. I would not be committed to dealing with this if I wasn’t convinced that President Calderón had the will and the desire to protect his people from narco-traffickers. He has shown great leadership and great strength of character, which gives me good confidence that the plan we’ll develop will be effective.”

President George W. Bush, August 21, 2007 Montebello

“Our countries are working together to fight transnational gangs. And the President (Berger) was right – I suggested we think about this issue regionally. You’ve got to understand that these gangs are able to move throughout Central America and up through Mexico into our own country, and therefore, we’ve got to think regionally and act regionally.”


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
The projections show that by 2050:

•Nearly one in five Americans will have been born outside the USA vs. one in eight in 2005. Sometime between 2020 and 2025, the percentage of foreign-born will surpass the historic peak reached a century ago during the last big immigration wave. New immigrants and their children and grandchildren born in the USA will account for 82% of the population increase from 2005 to 2050.

•Whites who are not Hispanic, now two-thirds of the population, will become a minority when their share drops to 47%. They made up 85% of the population in 1960.

•Hispanics, already the largest minority group, will more than double their share of the population to 29%.

•Blacks will remain 13% of the population. Asians will go to 9% from 5%.

•The gap between the number of working-age people and the children and seniors who depend on them will widen as boomers age. There will be 72 young and elderly for every 100 people of working age by 2050 compared with 59 in 2005. The gap would widen more if immigration slows because immigrants tend to be of working-age, the report said.

The projections are based on detailed assumptions about births, deaths and immigration levels based on recent trends. Those trends can change. For example, a new immigration policy could substantially limit the growth.

"Immigration has long-term consequences on the make-up of the country and the size of the population and we need to take those results in account when we make immigration policy," says Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that promotes limits on immigration. "Growing our population by 100 million more than we would otherwise is a choice. Immigration is a choice. … It's all up to us."



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if there is a labor shortage for farming, ie illegals, how many overall illegals do we need just to do farm work?

do we need 10 million to get 1 million farm workers?

after the dust bowl, thousands of desparate people moved to california.  these were LEGAL citizens.  desparate people of ANY immigration status will do menial work, including picking peaches.  the key is to develope a bracero type program for ag labor, which requires less than 2million workers total for the entire nation.  we don't need 20-50 million illegals who, roughly 50-60 % can not read and write in their own language.  these people will never vote for capitalism, socialism and populism is all they know.  this is why it's dangerous to allow them to vote, as they will vote for populism every time.  the rest of the labor markets suffer from illegal labor and EVERY market an illegal enters, wages go down.  the issue is ILLEGAL, not who they are.

all labor markets, including doctors, CEO's etc should either be protected from illegals, or none should.  we should either have rules or get rid of them.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the real reason your government wants illegals as quickly as possible

The cost of senior benefits is equal to $10,673 for every non-senior household.


Benefits per senior are soaring at a time when the senior population is not. The portion of the U.S. population ages 65 and older has been constant at 12% since 2000.

so what will everyone do?  scream for more ponzi scheme solutions, rather than a static population. 

what are the solutions to a never ending ponzi scheme?  at what point do we stop?  no really, at what point do we stop?



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

Some five million fraudulent home mortgages are in the hands of illegal aliens, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

this number is really interesting.  FIVE MILLION HOMES IN THE HANDS OF ILLEGALS.

illegal aliens tend to have more family members per household than "native born" americans.  this sheds a lot of light on just how many illegal aliens are in america.  unless of course the number is wrong.  also, one illegal alien could have more than one mortgage.

seems like an awful lot of "low income" housing is now available and literally, at least out here, being snapped up for 50cents and less on the property tax basis dollar.

so, i'm always thinking about why government REALLY needs to mandate growth.  could it be votes from the construction industry, both the supposed capitalist business owners and unions?   what this does is raise the price of farmland, making it ever more difficult for entry into agriculture.  it also extracts taxes from business to mandate subsidy that supports state budget projections.

in case anyone thinks states don't have a problem.


state government are the hive of unions.  next will be local governments.

this mess aint' over.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
South Windham, CT

I am sure everyone heard about this. Not 20 million but 300 still. Then someone has the guts to say "why are they doing this? They only wanted work"

Well how about all of the unemployed men and women who were born  and raised in this country....those who have gotten laid off? All they want is work too and they follow the rules. Heck Why were at it how about the Veterans that have to sleep on the streets at night? Those that have to go to VFW hospitals that may not offer the "top of the line care". Why do they get forgotten? Hell they are what give these people the freedoms that have!!!! Why do we as Americans have to pay for their heat, for them to have 5 kids and these guys cant even get into a shelter. I am sorry for my ranting bad day at work......... (argue)



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA





Hired by a Salinas-based agricultural produce company, the engineers were testing the Lettuce Bot, a machine that can "thin" a field of lettuce in the time it takes about 20 workers to do the job by hand.

this happened with another crop a while ago, tomatoes.  mechanical pickers were invented, as well as new varieties that were friendly to the picker.

Though they cost millions of dollars, farmers say, the robots are worth the investment: They could provide relief from recent labor shortages, lessen the unknowns of immigration reform, even reduce costs, increase quality and yield a more consistent product.
"There aren't enough workers to take the available jobs, so the robots can come and alleviate some of that problem," said Ron Yokota, a farming operations manager at Tanimura & Antle, the fresh produce company that hired the Lettuce Bot.

tanimura and antle are one of the largest lettuce growers in california.  they have been behind farming innovation for decades.  i think some people on steerplanet would be amazed at all the industrialization of farming in california to enable shipping to new york.  the refrigeration process is amazing how fast heads of lettuce are picked, washed, cooled (essentially heat/sweat removed almost instantly) shrunk-wrapped in the pallet and on the truck in a day on it's way to the east coast.

one huge infrastructure cost reduction is pre-refrigeration so the trucks don't have to have their air-conditioning units do it, and so the lettuce doesn't have to be stored in huge warehouses to cool it.  they are literally cooled in the pallet with the right humidity and temperature to not freeze or bruise the lettuce.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
in san francisco of all places, here's a picture of an automated burger.


the onions are a little thick or me and on almost all burgers, i wish the bottom bun was thicker.

what will they do with slices of the ends of tomatoes where the stem is.  i for one don't like those slices.

robots are filling all level of skill jobs, and not just low level jobs.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Pretty wild.
By the way Knabe, are all the gangs out there going to turn in their 10 round or greater magazines with your new law?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the government is obviously more motivated to get a hold of gun and ammo purchase lists, get a search warrant and search the house of an otherwise law abiding citizen than they are to go after one single illegal alien, especially those that are proven drunk drivers, rapists, murderers, multiple illegal entry after multiple deportations.

nothing against immigrants at all, we immigrate 1,000,000 legally every year. but now, there is absolutely no motivation to speak english, assimilate at any level. in fact, it's the opposite as our own government teaches white privilege at the kindergarten and first grade level all the way through college and the creation and enforcement of laws. yet people keep voting for these people.

the truth is, democrats will always be for confiscation of guns. just like communist russia, china, fascist germany and an endless array of countries that illegals and legals are fleeing from but then imposing upon themselves by voting democrat and rhino's.


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
What I can't believe is not that Killary has directly or indirectly been associated with 47 mysterious deaths, the emails, Bengazhi, etc, but that her voters don't care.  She could get on TV and confess to all the stuff that she has been apart of and they would love her for it.

The blacks need to ask themselves if they are any better off under Obama than they were under any other president.  I think the argument about the illegals coming here just to work is BS.  One out of every 3 federal or state inmates is in the USA illegally.  I have two sister in laws that came here and got their citizenship the right way. 

People say that we are a nation of immigrants, well when my ancestors came here they came to become American citizens and to pledge allegiance to the USA and speak English.  They didn't try to change the USA to fit the country they ran from.

That's my rant. I am passionate about this country and Happy Independents Day tomorrow.

3 Eagles shorthorns

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
I truly have been struggling to not say something but my God any time a non Native American is complaining or ranting about immigrants coming to the USA I think " are you kidding me." Oh yeah but the great white Christian immigrants were right coming here and doing as they did a continue to do? They fought many brave battles and won countless wars all fair and square like the history books they write say???? Give me a break! You can talk about Muslims and any other group that is now labeled a terrorist group and talk about the evilness of their religion. My facts and the truths to me, are there is nothing more evil then a white bible packing Christian. They came raped, murdred, poisoned, infected, broke, and stripped away the langauge of my people all in the name of Jesus...... Hold your tongues because your thinking of saying " get over it, it was hundreds of years ago." Both my grandparents were forced into catholic boarding schools as children because the great white Christian said our beliefs would lead us to burn in hell for eternity... Come let the priest, nuns, and Jesus save you. Well my grandparents went and we're molested by nuns, and priests and then were beaten for speaking their language. Are any of you thinking of taking up arms to protect us people like that ? Probably not I would guess. I could write for days here but the fact is that I would much rather talk about shorthorn cattle then I would engaging in conversations where everyone is already set in their ways.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
There were no people in America.

Even native immigrants (Asians) are not native.

Other people's may have been here other than Asians.

Who killed them?

No one is innocent.

Most Asian ("non native Americans") names for themselves translates to "the people or the humans" while everyone else is not, thus making it ok to kill them.

The idea of the benevolent Indian is really just as violent as every other culture and a myth.

It's really too bad all of us don't live in the Stone Age and all that America in spite of all its flaws created, destroyed never happened.

early Asian immigrants are no more or less innocent than anyone else.

There is no such thing as a Native American Indian. No one is native to America.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Really the issue is that what are we going to do with millions of people with little skill, will and ability to learn a skill other than menial labor. 

Will everyone be happy enough to simply pay them to be idle?

how will we feed everyone?

Will we even graze cattle and eat them?



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
3 Eagles shorthorns said:
Alright, sure, whatever you say.  Like I said I would rather talk shorthorns.

Sorry, part of the point was marketing opportunity due to robots and pressures on protein costs and how labor is thanking a big hit rather than the cost of the meat.

There are emerging markets everywhere to sell shorthorns into.

Ceding them to cab is not a way to keep talking about shorthorns, or marines for that matter as that's all we will be doing.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Hey Knabe, 2 questions on this new law. 1- Is it 10 rounds or more on just rifles or does include pistols also?
2- Are they expecting you to voluntarily just go to a collection point and turn them in?