22 days till fair and were freakin

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Dec 8, 2010
Had a older post where I needed to gain 100 lbs in a month to make weight.  At our county fair in kansas we have to make 1000lbs  plus 1.8 bs per day.... Our steer was doing great till last part of June and then nothing.. As of July 11 he weighed 940lbs.  He stopped eating much and stopped gaining weight.  Not sure where he is at today will weigh tomarrow but with what he has been eating dont think he has gained anything.  We gave him a probiotic and is on the vitaferm .. Kinda stuck and not sure where else to turn.. Just has to get to 1030lbs.  This is sooo sad


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
So I take it he is not eating much at all, try getting some alfalfa molasses "Alfamo" or oat molasses "oatmo" see if you can get him going. The way he just stooped eating for you makes me think that you may have been pushing him to hard and maybe burned him up. At this point I would try and put him on something he will eat, try and get some electrolytes in him with the heat you are having, it may help as well. Do you have other cattle if you do put him with one just to see if that doesn't help his appetite.


Mar 20, 2010
Try topdressing with Power Fuel and only feed at night. We started this when it got hot earlier this summer and he's actually gaining more during the hot months. I'm a big believer in the Power fuel.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010
Columbia, MO
Big fan of feeding at night.  The later the better.  Just remember if you feed at night, it's a good idea to double up there ration and let them eat there morning ration through the night as well.  It works for us.  Also, how often do you get feed?  Might want to check and make sure your feed is not stale or moldy. 
Dec 8, 2010
No dont beleive we were pushing him at all...We think maybe he got sick with the first heatwave we had first part of July.  Will try that power full we are using the viaferm champ in his feed and he does eat some.  Tried molases but doesnt like sweet stuff.. who knows keep on trying
Dec 8, 2010
yes he said to use the probiotics...Not totaly sure whats wrong thinks its a stomache problem of some sor.  This morning woke up to the runs with him.  This month has been hell

The Show

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
Something isn't right with him. I have no idea what it could be, that probiotics wouldn't fix. I would maybe get another vet out and get a second opinion.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Is he in a cool box during the day?

I would start by trying to get his guts right, he will not gain until then. Take him off of feed, get him on some good grain hay. if he eats it lets him eat all he wants and watch to see if he doesn't firm up. If he does get him on some Calf-Manna and Stabilized Rice Bran 2 pounds of each a day, if he continuous to stay firm and eat, start mixing in a little grain adding a scoop of pro-biotics each feeding.

I know I always bring up the grain hay, but it has more nutritional value than grass hay and is a coarse hay that keeps the guts working right. When the weather changes or they start to loosen up to much I will pull back on the grain and give more hay, seems to help avoid major problems. We can keep them gaining on the hay alone if we have to, they will gain 2.5 pounds a day on the hay by itself.

I feel your pain, it can get very frustrating, I was talking to a nutritionist for some of the dairies in the valley, he was telling us how much of a jugling act it is to keep the cows healthy and productive in the heat waves during the summer. they are constantly changing things in the feed to keep the cows healthy.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
Convoy OH
We sold a steer last year that got a stomach ulcer the only feed he would eat was purina finisher he did come around but it took awhile


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
West Tennessee
You might try a 5 day dose of Safeguard paste.  It's a dewormer but it sometimes helps with stomach ulcers in horses.  It sure can't hurt...I've never dewormed one to death! (lol)
Dec 8, 2010
First of all I want to say how wonderful this site is.. I have had so so much wonderful help from everyone... Yes his has diarea.  Was told its either the stupid heat or could be the probiotics working and the bad stuff is comming out.  He ate almost 10lbs of feed today and ate hay.  We went to weigh him on the scale.  Its a scale like a coop scale so they say there might be a 20lb difference either way.. He weighed 1000 lbs today.. OMG  I have no clue what to think.  We are now about 50-60 pounds from making weight....Do not know how or why he ended up gaining 60lbs in a week.. But my son and I are not complaining... Were still going to do the same stuff as we have all week.  Try to get the diarea under control.... EVERYONE thank you...


Active member
Nov 1, 2010
I had one several years ago that quit eating and had diarrhea.  We screwed around trying all of the different supplements and ended up giving Corid and he straightened up within a week.  Do you have birds in your barn?  Birds carry coccidiosis and will pass it to your calves. Now, If I have one go off of feed and get scoured my first line of defense is Corid.  It's inexpensive and it wont hurt to give it even if it is not coccidiosis.  If you treat one calf you have to treat all of them.  I use the liquid drench method so that I know that he's getting the correct amount for five days.  You can also give in your water trough or they make crumbles to top dress with.  Good Luck..


New member
May 14, 2011
Pomeroy WA
With the heat you are getting make sure that you get him cooled off.  Cattle won't eat as well if they are hot.  I would suggest rinsing him at night before you feed.  We would always set a sprinkler in their pen during the summer.  One year I had a steer that didn't look like he was going to make weight but I set the sprinkler and he actually stood over the top of it and he gained and finished by fair time. 

farmin female

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
you might try the corrid because he may have, or had, a touch of coccidiosis.  I would also feed him a bunch of hay becasue it's good for the belly.  Feeding at night is a good strategy.     