A2A2 milk.

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
The testing is thru Igenity. 

The thing I like about them is that they seem to have a broader range of additional test that are available. 


Sep 23, 2014
Igenity already has their dairy profile, which already includes the beta casein (A v B type), kappa casein and beta lactoglobulin tests.  The A2 test is separate from the others, and would be an additional cost.

They're putting together a specific submission form for Aubracs that I think would work for what's being discussed here as it will include the ability of a producer to pick/choose what will work for them.

Also, note that while they don't report the specific leptin genotype on their beef profile results, you can get it via their online reporting mechanism.  I'm waiting to hear back from them about whether or not they're going to be able to provide additional granularity on other genotypes of interest to me (vs. their  weighted scaling of the presence/absence of a longer list of markers).

Again, I'll report back as I have more information.

I'll look forward to the details they're going to give you for a test that only incorporates leptin and the three milk proteins.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Yes, they have the Basic crossbred/dairy test that tests for about 15 traits, which does includes the Leptin test but you need to ask for those results.  The A2 is a separate test.

On the beef side, because some of these test are associated with the dairy side, it is not as easy as saying we want certain test.  They have other factors that they have to look at, and sometimes this takes time.

When they approached us about the test for crossbred dairy cattle, we discovered in a few conversations that for the most part it is for the traditional dairy breeds that are in the US.  Since some of the test are marker specific, we will need to build a database with animals from the dairy breeds that we represent, Fleckvieh, Montbeliarde and we are not sure yet what we will need to do about the red breeds as some of those bulls have also been used in the Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn breed.

The beef side is no different, some of the genomic test have markers that are specific to each breed.  From what we have been able to find out, is that the test on the Casein, Leptin and the A2 can work for about any breed (dairy or beef).  From there everything will need to be reviewed as to what test(s) can be utilized by all breeds to make it feasible to include these Casein, A2, and Leptin tests, or can they be grouped together as a stand-alone test.

Each group with Igenity work independently, and sometimes one group isn't familiar with what the other group is doing.  Or we have even found that some in the same group aren't familiar with some of the product offerings.

This is what takes time to try to piece these thing together, letting one group know what another group has so that they can see if their group can use it too so that in the end they can hopefully offer a test that is beneficial and cost effective.



Sep 23, 2014
cbcr said:
Yes, they have the Basic crossbred/dairy test that tests for about 15 traits, which does includes the Leptin test but you need to ask for those results.  The A2 is a separate test.

On the beef side, because some of these test are associated with the dairy side, it is not as easy as saying we want certain test.  They have other factors that they have to look at, and sometimes this takes time.

When they approached us about the test for crossbred dairy cattle, we discovered in a few conversations that for the most part it is for the traditional dairy breeds that are in the US.  Since some of the test are marker specific, we will need to build a database with animals from the dairy breeds that we represent, Fleckvieh, Montbeliarde and we are not sure yet what we will need to do about the red breeds as some of those bulls have also been used in the Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn breed.

The beef side is no different, some of the genomic test have markers that are specific to each breed.  From what we have been able to find out, is that the test on the Casein, Leptin and the A2 can work for about any breed (dairy or beef).  From there everything will need to be reviewed as to what test(s) can be utilized by all breeds to make it feasible to include these Casein, A2, and Leptin tests, or can they be grouped together as a stand-alone test.

Each group with Igenity work independently, and sometimes one group isn't familiar with what the other group is doing.  Or we have even found that some in the same group aren't familiar with some of the product offerings.

This is what takes time to try to piece these thing together, letting one group know what another group has so that they can see if their group can use it too so that in the end they can hopefully offer a test that is beneficial and cost effective.

Glad to hear / good points made.



Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Update on Genomic testing for A2, Kappa Casein, Beta Casein, Beta Lactoglobulin and Leptin.

We have the dairy side of this testing covered, we know that the Basic/Crossbred dairy test is $28 and the A2 test is an add-on for $12.  There are other add-ons that are available too.

With the beef side, we know that the A2 and Kappa Casein test are both add-ons.  But the Beta Casein and Beta Lactoglobulin are not included with the Kappa Casein test.  From our understanding just as with the dairy test Leptin is ran but not provided, this can be requested.  Currently in the beef test it has a bearing on the marbeling part of the test.

Had a call last night from the Beef Igenity Rep.  He is working on a solution that will be affordable while offering a test that will provide valuable information to beef producers.  Igenity has a number of test that they offer, with some being breed specific while other test can work on all breeds.

From what we know, these milk test are not breed specific which is great because they will work for animals regardless of the breed or breed compositions.

Where our registry is not breed specific and with a great number of producers having crossbred animals, this situation has to be reviewed so that the test that will be available would work for any possible breed composition.

With the accuracy a validity of genomic test continually improving, as we build up a database with all of the information, a comment was made that at some time in the future Estimated EPDs could be calculated for offspring of genomic tested animals.  Time will tell.

Other recent developments with the Composite Registries is that we have been contacted by groups in Europe about wanting to become an affiliate with us to provide registration and performance testing to crossbred animals in their countries.  One European Country is ready to go and we are working to translate our forms into their language.  They were primarily interested in the Composite Dairy Cattle Registry, but when we told them of our beef registry, they wanted to offer it as well.  It is really surprising to discover how other groups and breeds want to discourage crossbreeding.

With Igenity / Geneseek having offices and locations in Europe, South America and other places will be able to work with us and producers in these other countries to provide genomic testing for them as well.

This has become another consideration with us as what tests to put together.  If we can build a test that can be used not only here in the US but would work for other countries as well, this should help in being able to offer a test at a better value.

I know that in conversations, there are some genomic traits that some producers have apprehension towards, and this is certainly understandable.  With that said, if we have to offer a test that includes some of these traits bundled with it in order to keep the price down, then producers will have to ignore those traits.  When ordering a test with us, we would then be able to tailor the report(s) that we provide back to producers on those traits they are seeking.

Both our Dairy and Beef Reps with Igenity will be working together to list the primary test and the add-ons and pricing for those test and possible bundled discounts.  As soon as we can receive the pricing information we will post it.


Sep 23, 2014
I have samples on 15 fullblood Aubracs in getting tested for this (and other things) right now.  I'm looking forward to seeing what we have...  Given the long history of the French using Aubrac milk for cheese making, I'm cautiously optimistic.