AI Heifers

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Nov 23, 2011
We're new to all of this.  We have 2 heifers that will need AI'd this June.  Where do we begin?  When should we order the semen and how long will it keep on the Dry Ice and will a semen tank be necessary? 
We're starting from the very bottom so any advice is greatly appreciated! 


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
whoa buddy... your enthusiasm is to be commended!!

if you only have 2 and you are just beginning you might want to find someone experienced to give you a hand until you get a little farther along

If you are really wanting to get started you need to go to an AI school where the will teach you the basics including info on required equipment

Yes ... you will need a tank and other supplies if you are doing this without help

The local semen rep (ABS etc) or some one who is already doing AI locally would probably help you for much less initial expense

hope this helps!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
In your situation with only 2 heifers, your best bet is to find someone that provides A.I. services.  Here in North Texas, we provide a service where the cattle are housed at our place for approximately 10-15 days, synchronized, heat checked, and A.I'd.  It's costs more, but it saves our customers having to purchase working facilities, A.I. equipment, semen storage equipment, and the time and hassle that comes with heat checking regularly and consistently.  The service also allows me to be more affordable on my A.I.'ing since I do not have to load up my supplies, drive to and from the farm, just to do 1 or 2 head.

If you give your location, there are probably steerplanet members that can assist you.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
If you are in southern Ohio. There is a new ET center that was at ohio beef expo to the north of you not far. He could be of great assistance considering you have two to Ai.
Things to consider.
Age of your females. We usually breed at 14 months unless they are a fat show heifer. Also when do you want calves. if you want January, February calves, you will need to plan now.
If you have never synch one with CIDR etc, get someone who is experienced to help you the first go around. Reading AI protocols can be confusing if you have never done it.
definitely talk to a ABS rep or Select sires to see if their are any classes in your area. I would bet the gentleman who opened the ET center would help you out. You can always send me a personal message I can go into more detail.