Balancing Showing Cattle With Summer Sports

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Active member
Nov 25, 2013
For those of you that play baseball/softball during the summer how do you balance growing hair with games/practices?


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2013
For the past 10+ years my siblings and I have done this.

When summer lifting was 6-7:30 a.m we would get up at 5-5:30 and tie up under fans and feed. When we got back home we went into the barn and started washing brushing and drying. (All of this we did before and after we got our cooler) You can have decent hair with out a cooler.

With night games we would let out once we got home. If it was a far away game, the neighbor kid let them out for us.

We did this with as few as 3 calves and as many as 7. Usually it's around 10  when morning washing was done. And we rarely let out before 9:30 at night  (damn Iowa westher lol)

I am now graduated and I get stuck with morning feeding then my siblings join to wash and dry. They don't go to morning lifting anymore and we have a cooler. We aren't as religious as some families with washing morning and night. We focus on getting the stuff done in the morning then go to baseball.

Remember that having a cooler doesn't grow the hair. You still need to wash and brush.  You will need to figure out what works best for your family. Last year we had champ market heifer at the state fair, so I guess we have an idea of what we are doing lol. My brother and I pride ourselves that our parents don't do anything in the barn (usually they mess it all up).


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
Its simple with us....get up early and stay up late.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
This is really challenging.

The thing that has helped us the most is a change that we made last year.  I had really mixed feelings about changing, but chambero here on Steer Planet assured me it wouldn't effect the hair growing and he was absolutely right.

We started rinsing once a day.  If there are games at night, we rinse in the morning.  If there is nothing going on that night, we will rinse at night.  This one thing helped manage all of the activities more than anything.

To be honest, we actually had BETTER hair than we have ever had.  I know that every summer is different and every calf has different hair.  I believe that the skin was healthier, and that made a big difference.

What grows hair more than anything is cool and dark.  Sure we work their hair, but I believe getting them into the cooler where it is dark, and having high velocity air blowing on them really helps the process along.

I know it is hard to manage all of the activities.  Just do your best, and enjoy the time that you have with your kids.

I was sitting at a basketball game the other night, and overheard a couple parents whining about running all the time.  They were bitching about the demands put on their kids due to sports, and bitching about the coaches, and someone else's kid not deserving to be on the know, the usual.  I knew the people, and they asked me how I managed to do all of it all these years.  I turned to them, and told them how I felt about it.  I told them that I would give anything in the world to watch my two older boys that have graduated from high school run out of that tunnel and onto the basketball court just one more time.  I told them to cherish every single minute of it.  When it is over, it is over...and you never get it back.

You will figure out how to get hair on them, and get all of the other stuff handled as well.  We show cattle.  It is what we do.  It is what makes all of us unique.  The very fact that you are asking for tips and advice is proof that you have what it takes to get it all done! 

I compliment you for taking all of it on!

Good luck with the calves and the sports!