Bedding Preferences Small Cow/ Calf Operation

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Nov 16, 2011
I will be leasing part of a facility to calve out a few cows (retired show heifers) and wanted opinions on bedding.  They will have a small pasture and get supplemental feed.  To calve, I'd like straw.  But, I foaled many a mare in sawdust/shavings.  For ease of cleaning and something that is readily available, pine shavings.  For odor control, Cedar.  I also may want to bring them in during the day to break the calves and allow the some relief from the Texas heat.  I could always calve on straw and the change it out for the other bedding later.  I've never used Cedar but have seen it in show barns in pens and on ramps.  I'm just curious if it's a good way to go.  And always a consideration, what will be cost effective. 