Being a jerk

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
If you scroll down the dimonad g cattle blog you see him posting pics saying he purposely didn't answer Matt Lautners text/calls. I dont really see a need for this. What's your opinons?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008

I dont get it, just some missed calls.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
But his tittle was nobody home as in he didn't answer it on purpose


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
i thought the same thing, I have no background on this guy or why he doesnt like Lautner but it seems immature to me, IMO


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I called congress to tax only income on individuals and make it the same for everyone with no exemptions or subsidies to anyone and non one answered. What jerks.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
knabe said:
I called congress to tax only income on individuals and make it the same for everyone with no exemptions or subsidies to anyone and non one answered. What jerks.



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
he works for Trausch. nobody likes competition. he even says that master of puppets is better than monopoly and is going to be monopoly.... I have yet to see it.


Feb 28, 2012
The difference between Lautner and Gonnett is simple, Matt is successful, and Raymond just tries to piggy back on the success of others.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
MSTF said:
The difference between Lautner and Gonnett is simple, Matt is successful, and Raymond just tries to piggy back on the success of others.
Summed up in ove very truthful quote  <beer>


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
MSTF said:
The difference between Lautner and Gonnett is simple, Matt is successful, and Raymond just tries to piggy back on the success of others.
Couldn't agree more!  <rock>


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Was the issue the bull pretender or the semen seller pretender?

Keeping track of all the issues requires too many phone calls to verify. 

No one would pick up the phone.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Perhaps the most useful thing about this theead would be how does one get a screen capture on their iPhone?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Any of you guys remember when he was promoting Matt's bulls on his blog and stuff, I'm pretty sure lautners can handle it but now that he works for Trausch MLC is the devil pretty shady


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
Kinda shows who the bigger man is, I have yet to see the ML blog posting neg. feeds like he is. Let the bulls speek for themselves enough with the bs, its not vary professional. personally, I cant understand the ragging that's going on against any of the bull owners. They are providing a service for those who choose to use their bulls. Dont like them, dont use them. If you are another bull owner, again, prove your bulls abilities. Really, you only put a foul taste in peoples mouths with these kinds of actions, when all you use for proof is drama, I much rather see a good calf.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Diamond said:
Kinda shows who the bigger man is, I have yet to see the ML blog posting neg. feeds like he is. Let the bulls speek for themselves enough with the bs, its not vary professional. personally, I cant understand the ragging that's going on against any of the bull owners. They are providing a service for those who choose to use their bulls. Dont like them, dont use them. If you are another bull owner, again, prove your bulls abilities. Really, you only put a foul taste in peoples mouths with these kinds of actions, when all you use for proof is drama, I much rather see a good calf.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
The thing I dont get.  Why do we see so many of these nagging little dramatic posts on here lately.  Do people really not have anything better to do?  I mean I feel like I am in Jr High all over again here.  Steerplanet is a great forum to share information, get input, sell stuff, meet folks in the industry, learn, etc.  But all of a sudden its like the schoolyard rumor mill, I mean there have been a lot of posts like this lately.  "Oooh, did you see what Matt Lautner put on his blog?" "Matt Lautner dissed me on his blog, even though he didnt say my name he used part of what I said somewhere else to promote his bull and I am mad!" "Did you hear that Matt and Phil are dont like each other, I mean they have seperate business so that must mean they hate each other right?" "Did you hear that so and so's bull has every testable disease we know of?" "Did you see that Raymond Gonnet posted something negative about Lautner on his blog?" 
What good do any of these posts do any one?  All they do is stir more drama, and in a lot of cases the people posting didnt have all of their facts together to begin with.  But if you are all dumbfounded as to why Raymond and Matt are suddenly not best friends.  1)Raymond is YOUNG and looking for his break in the industry. 2) At the time that he promoted Lautners bulls on his blog, Raymond wasnt working for anyone, he was simply trying to be a semen dealer, and possibly trying to become the Matt Lautner of Canada at the same time. But he was independantly employed trying to sell semen, so of course he sang the praises of every good bull out there that he had semen on regardless of who owned it. 3) Now he works for Trausch, one of the bigger names in club calf bulls, so of course Raymond is no longer going to sing the praises of Lautner and his Bulls publicly, his job requires him to sing the praises of others.  And in that job along with singing the praises of Trauschs bulls, he also has to get you to quit looking at Lautners, which means he has to negate the bulls and Lautner in some way.  Are we really surprised that this leadds to Raymond and Matt not being busom buddies???
I mean yes, I agree I think Raymond is being a little immature for posting it on his blog, but he is still very young, so you have to expect rookie moves like that at times.  I think Raymond has potential, he is just still young. And I think Matt is a big enought boy to deal with it.  I mean Matt was extremely young trying to make his break at one point also, and I guarantee you he is no angel.  But come on no matter how immature you thought the blog post was.  Did any of you think it made you any more mature to go and start a rumor mill about it somewhere else.  The mature thing to do would have been to call Gonnet up, ask for his side of the story or background on why it was done, and then express your concern over it.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2008
I don't understand why people would say stupid things like this that is open for everyone to see. Raymond and Lautner might be competition but you can still go about things a different way. It's never good to burn your bridges b.c you never know when you need to cross them again.

I don't see how this topic is a rumor mill...this guy clearly posted these things on his blog. It looks really unprofessional what he said and it could potentially hurt Trausch and this guy's reputation. If lautner did or said something that bothered this guy, doesn't mean he has to act unprofessional about it and post it on his blog. Just because they are competition doesn't mean he has to try and make lautner look bad, it isn't his job to do that.

People can post what ever they want to on the Big Show...If you don't like what's in that topic you don't have to read it or comment on it. On a public forum ignoring the nagging little dramatic post is probably your best bet.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
Matt isn't much older if I had to guess
twistedhshowstock said:
The thing I dont get.  Why do we see so many of these nagging little dramatic posts on here lately.  Do people really not have anything better to do?  I mean I feel like I am in Jr High all over again here.  Steerplanet is a great forum to share information, get input, sell stuff, meet folks in the industry, learn, etc.  But all of a sudden its like the schoolyard rumor mill, I mean there have been a lot of posts like this lately.  "Oooh, did you see what Matt Lautner put on his blog?" "Matt Lautner dissed me on his blog, even though he didnt say my name he used part of what I said somewhere else to promote his bull and I am mad!" "Did you hear that Matt and Phil are dont like each other, I mean they have seperate business so that must mean they hate each other right?" "Did you hear that so and so's bull has every testable disease we know of?" "Did you see that Raymond Gonnet posted something negative about Lautner on his blog?" 
What good do any of these posts do any one?  All they do is stir more drama, and in a lot of cases the people posting didnt have all of their facts together to begin with.  But if you are all dumbfounded as to why Raymond and Matt are suddenly not best friends.  1)Raymond is YOUNG and looking for his break in the industry. 2) At the time that he promoted Lautners bulls on his blog, Raymond wasnt working for anyone, he was simply trying to be a semen dealer, and possibly trying to become the Matt Lautner of Canada at the same time. But he was independantly employed trying to sell semen, so of course he sang the praises of every good bull out there that he had semen on regardless of who owned it. 3) Now he works for Trausch, one of the bigger names in club calf bulls, so of course Raymond is no longer going to sing the praises of Lautner and his Bulls publicly, his job requires him to sing the praises of others.  And in that job along with singing the praises of Trauschs bulls, he also has to get you to quit looking at Lautners, which means he has to negate the bulls and Lautner in some way.  Are we really surprised that this leadds to Raymond and Matt not being busom buddies???
I mean yes, I agree I think Raymond is being a little immature for posting it on his blog, but he is still very young, so you have to expect rookie moves like that at times.  I think Raymond has potential, he is just still young. And I think Matt is a big enought boy to deal with it.  I mean Matt was extremely young trying to make his break at one point also, and I guarantee you he is no angel.  But come on no matter how immature you thought the blog post was.  Did any of you think it made you any more mature to go and start a rumor mill about it somewhere else.  The mature thing to do would have been to call Gonnet up, ask for his side of the story or background on why it was done, and then express your concern over it.