Biopsy & water questions

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Active member
Aug 6, 2014
Two totally unrelated questions!

First, I have a steer who isnt picky with his feed at show but is with water. It's easier to slam a revolving door than it is to get him drinking anything but his home barn's water when on the road. We tried the trick of mixing Gatorade with his home water a few days before show & then mixing it with the show barn water but he hates Gatorade and goes off the water BEFORE we trailer! What are some tips to get him drinking? He will if he gets thirsty but only a little and his gut sucks in (which all judges have so far not been concerned with but notice it pulls his ribs in as well making them appear flatter than they should)

My second question involves cloning. Since I first need the sample preserved the only way to collect the DNA is a tissue biopsy. Does this mean I can have the sample taken from where ever I choose? I want the mark to be as inconspicuous  as possible so preferably I can get the piece from somewhere like his inner thigh, underline, brisket or armpit. Will it even leave a mark? He's a black and white so I'd imagine his white belly whould be much less noticeable than a circle mark on his black bum or side.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Small salt block lick at show and may try molases instead of gatoraid. Also filter as mentioned. Buy an RV filter at Wal-Mart. G-Luck