Blogs the new trend in advertising and show news

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2008
(clapping)It seems like Blogs are the new wave to keep up on what going on.Matt and now Wade are really on top of the shows they attend and I enjoy looking at them.The good part is no negative feedback.The computer age has really hurt a lot of publications and several keep getting more compact to deal with the contiuing rising postal rates.I have had a site for a while and every time I change a picture its $10.Phil told me Matt can do it all right on his phone and it doest cost.Too bad Im older as the fun seems to be just beginning  and Im getting left in the dust by all these young whip-er-snappers[.Remember Gabby Hayes?] I didnt think so.Great job Matt I know its also  advertising but it takes time and effort to keep it current like you do.