Bottle Baby Help

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
My mom brought home an orphan baby today, he is about 2 weeks old I would say. We have had bottle horses and lambs but they were all younger when we introduced the bottle. Any tips for taking care of this guy

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio

I think at some point I posted this link and couple others. Good information for bottle baby.

Basic Guidelines for Bottle Feeding Calves
Milk Replacers for Cattle
·        Feed one 2 quart bottle of milk replacer in morning and then one more in the evening daily for the first 3 months

Colostrum Supplements
·        Use in the first twelve hours after birth if calf has never nursed, feed only twice in the first day only. After the first twelve hours the bottle calf can go on milk replacer

Sav-A-Calf Grade A Ultra 24 Milk Replacer

·        24-24 calf milk replacer with vitamins added, One of the best starter milks when a calf is resisting suckling a bottle, Also works well when a calf is sick.

Purina Nurse Chow All Milk Protein Replacer

·        20-12 calf milk replacer, Available from many local feed stores almost anywhere. 

Cargill Snowflake Milk Replacer

20-13 calf milk replacer, Our top choice when feeding a bottle calf

Creep Feeds
Purina Acc-Creep 13% Protein

·        Feed 3 lbs of creep per head in morning and again in the evening.
·        Calf starter creeps with higher protein for those that are weaning off the bottle

Hay or Grass, and Water

Is keep out at all times for the bottle calves to eat and drink free choice
Mineral and Salt Licks

Is provided from the start for calves from the start

-Be sure read all product labels, and full understand dosage amounts before you administer any vaccines or treatments to animals.  If you have any question ask a veterinarian.

Scour Treatments for Bottle Calves

Mild Case

·        Aureomycin - Just mix in a tsp spoon in with milk replacer once day for up to four days

Average Case

·        Manna Pro Scour Ease Plus- Calf supplement to be add to milk replacers
·        Maxi Sorb Bolus- Safe at any age and help thicken the discharge 

Extreme Case
·        Noromycin 300 LA, Norbrook or LA200- Ready to use injection shot of antibiotic

                Sustain III Bolus- Only if calf is older than 35 days, but has the best results 


For More Info: Calf Scour Treatments

Vaccines for Bottle Calves
·        Bo Bac 2 X- Given in the first six hours of life to prevent scours in bottle feeding calves
·        Ultrabac 8 by Pfizer- Given round 30 days old to revent blackleg and other sudden death ailments
·        Express 10 & 10+HS by Boehringer  Given at 4 months of age to prevent respiratory disease
·        Corid by Merial- Prevent coccidiosis or bloody scours in bottle calves, Can be mixed in milk replacer bottle or given as a drench
·        IVOMEC Plus Injectable by Merial- Wormer and parasites for prevention and treatment in bottle calves


Is there any profit in raising bottle calves?

Well, yes, but very little money is made, by the time you buy feed and milk replacer you can make a little money, but not much.

Why do you bottle feed calves?

There are 3 main reasons why we may be raising bottle calves. 1) The calf’s mother has pass away or doesn’t clam the offspring. 2) We purchase baby calves at auction like Holstein calves to place on our own heifer cows, if their offspring didn’t survive the birth. 3) We purchase baby heifer calves to hand raise to keep on our ranch and reproduce, when these calves grow up; they are easier and safer to work with.

Why would you place a calf on a cow that is not her mother?

We will do so if the cow has lost her first offspring. From her raising the orphan calf, she will learn how to raise and take care of a baby calf. Also this will help condition the cow’s body in producing milk for future offspring.

What do calves do more: play or sleep?

Sleep, Most of the time they will be sleeping day and night. Baby calves will play very little. They will spend most of their time eating and sleeping.

Do baby calves drink water?

Yes, They like water and will drink often, especially here in Texas where it gets hot. Water will help cool them.

How much milk replacer will a calf take?

The general rule of thumb is 1/2 gallon in the morning and 1/2 gallon in the evening, but some calve do need more.

How many times a day should you feed a calf?

You should feed twice a day, but if you got the time you can feed more. Just cut back on the milk to the right amount. To much milk replacer will give calves the milk scours.




Apr 18, 2010
get it used to the bucket ASAP...start bucket feeding it, it will be a hassle if you keep it on the bottle a lot, that should help!!! ;)

PaFFA Proud

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
well my job is to feed 65 dairy calves, not all are easy to feed especially the newborns. The first thing i do if they dont go to drinking theirselves is to stick my finger in their mouth and wiggle it for a lil until they start sucking. Then I will stick the nipple in their mouth and keep my hand on their jaw and rub my fingers alongside their mouth that comforts them and they normally start sucking. If they dont eat right away..they will eventually get hungry and start sucking down bottles.Dont let them have a whole lot at first or you will get scours and then will need to use electrolytes and SMZ pills and if it gets severe penicillin. Good luck once they catch on they will be your best friend ;D