Breed % to sell natural?

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2010
Went to the local sale barn last week just for the hell of it, getting ready to take some calves and wanted to see what was going through, prices, and what not. And I noticed that they had a new program going on where cattle were producers could label their cattle "Natural". Now I know natural is really just a word thrown around and there is no real uniform requirements but they were making a big deal out which got me thinking mine should qualify as we don't do much with ours besides basic vaccinations. I got home and checked the website for the requirements and was shocked to find that along with the expected requirements of no growth hormones, fed animal by products and so on it said Natural animals MUST be 50% red or black angus genetics.

Has anyone ever seen this before at your sale barn?? As a Hereford breeder I was very upset to say the least. I always knew that color bias was a big thing in our area but to say that only angus genetics are "natural" felt very misleading and exclusive to me.

okay my B****ing is done