Breeding heifers is driving me crazy!!!! UPDATE

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
My daughter had 3 show heifers.  I have bred them all AI.  The Angus and the Friction heifer have passed over and shown NOTHING.  My darling little Simmental though is going to be my mental undoing.  I had watched her cycle since February, every 21 days on the nose.  They are literally out my kitchen window, you can't miss the Simmi and the Friction when they are in, bawl like crazy, get the rest of the cows to come into the lot and stand on the other side of the fence, etc. 

The simmental heifer was the first one bred, and of all of them she was the one that I said would definitely stick barring a semen problem.  She was bred at 5 hours  from when she stopped standing, had clear discharge hanging past her hocks and I could just feel everything perfect.  You seasoned breeders know what I mean, it was a perfect breeding from my standpoint.  She was bred April 29.

At 21 days she passed over, at 25 days (May 23) she just kind of monkeyed around, one heifer acted like she wanted to ride her once, and then just kind of butted heads and goofed around but there were absolutely no true rides from anyone of the 3.  Her vulva even looked a little swollen, which could be my imagination. 

Another 21 days from the breeding has passed (June 9)  and 21 days from when she was acting funny passed (June 13).  Last night (June 22) I swear her vulva is swelled again and the Friction heifer was acting like she wanted to ride her once, but never did.  The bull even came down in the lot like they do every evening and he goes up to the high tensile fence and checks all 3 of them out, stayed his usual time and left.  When the 3 were in heat he camped out until they went out of heat. 

Could she really be in heat or is she like mares that I had that would act like they were in heat halfway through their pregnancy??  She is going to drive me out of my mind, I know that!!  HELP!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Well, I've seen them come into false heats, but it's usually cows.  Do you have a steer or gomer bull you could put her in with when she's acting funny like that?  I know that not everyone has this option, but after we AI heifers once, if they come in again, we put them with a calving ease bull.  Maybe have whoever AI'd her arm her and he could tell you if she's bred or not.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
If it's been that long since first breeding you could ultra sound her or someone good could palpate her.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
I just drew blood and am sending it off after reading the post on here about it.  I will let you know the results!!


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
GRRRRR :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (argue) (that is my husband and me arguing over who bred which ones!)

Sent the blood off for 12, 3 of which were the show heifers.  3 are open, 2 of them the show heifers, the simmental and the chi.  Needless to say I am peeved and will have to whip out the Ovatec for daily readings. 

BWT, all of the ones that we used the tattletales on (15 total) stuck AI.  The other one that was open according to the blood test was bred before we got the tattletales.  Needless to say we will use them again.  My only gripe with them was the fact that you have to be in shade or the barn to see them because of the red lights in a red case.  Other than that, loved them!  We bred three that we would have missed without them.  Riding in the wee hours of the morning when we weren't out there watching them. 