Bulls for second calvers to make show steers

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2014
I am looking for ideas to breed our former show heifers to for a second calf.
the breeding on the cows are:

1: Jawbreaker X Lifeline (THF,PHAF)

2: Direct Whiskey X Blindside (THC, PHAF)

3: Monopoly Money X SunSeeker (THC,PHAF)


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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2014
Monopoly money heifer


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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
I'd go Dakota Gold.  I have not had a big one out of him, but I'm not putting the grain to the cows before they calve either.

OH Showman

Dec 26, 2015
I like my Hi Ho Silvers out of second calvers. I'd say two were 70s birthweight and one was in the 80s All came unassisted. One on due date and the other two 4 days and 8 days early. He's THF, calves come stout, hairy, and big boned. A lot more consistency than Bulls like Dakota Gold in my opinion and calves are definitely better bodied. I had a Dakota Gold on a moderate, huge middled Walks cow and I swear he took every bit of depth and rib out of her. Won't use him again. On a cow with a shot more power I might try Drivin 80, he will add a great set of feet and legs with good hair, center body and a cool look.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
OH Showman said:
I like my Hi Ho Silvers out of second calvers. I'd say two were 70s birthweight and one was in the 80s All came unassisted. One on due date and the other two 4 days and 8 days early. He's THF, calves come stout, hairy, and big boned. A lot more consistency than Bulls like Dakota Gold in my opinion and calves are definitely better bodied. I had a Dakota Gold on a moderate, huge middled Walks cow and I swear he took every bit of depth and rib out of her. Won't use him again. On a cow with a shot more power I might try Drivin 80, he will add a great set of feet and legs with good hair, center body and a cool look.

I want to try HI HO silver, but am really afraid of using anything with alias in the pedigree.  The only crips I have ever have had alias in the sire, it could be a wmw thing, but I wont try a bull again w alias, but  loving the hi ho silvers im seeing online.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2014
The Monopoly money is due in two weeks with a No worries. It will be her second calf but seeking the second calf option for lower birth weights. She lost a Slider heifer last year. 92# and a hard pull. I am afraid the sun seeker is keeping her birthweights up.
The Jawbreaker is a big topped female that gets a little straight on her toes. She has a No worries bull at side. 93# birthweight on him. C-sectioned.
The Direct Whiskey is open. Never got her bred and held her over. She won her class at Iowa Beef Expo 2016 and was maintainer division champ twice on the Iowa jackpot series. She may get Daddy's Money to keep the Maine breeding.

Others have said Dakota Gold and Hi Ho Silver for second calvers. Just had a 101# DG heifer out of a Sugar Rush cow and have heard the same for HHS. Not my idea of second calver bulls. My cows don't get grain, but don't see a lot of exercise in the winter in my dry lot.

It seems like there aren't many bulls with consistent middle of the road birth weights. They are either calving ease or potential for elephants.

Nick Pudenz


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
I like your Daddy's Money idea.  I would not hesitate to use him on all of your cattle.  I had a Daddy's Money out of a Final Answer x Hannibal that needed some groceries to get to 40#, but man is the little guy growing like a weed!  He is really putting on the muscle and filling out. 

OH Showman

Dec 26, 2015
I want to try HI HO silver, but am really afraid of using anything with alias in the pedigree.  The only crips I have ever have had alias in the sire, it could be a wmw thing, but I wont try a bull again w alias, but  loving the hi ho silvers im seeing online.

I have seen several HiHos that are a little straighter off their front ends. Is it to the point where they're not functional? No, I don't think so. Most of them will mature correctly and be competitive fat steers. As a breeder, I think the most important goal is to get SELLABLE calves. If a couple structural flaws come with it, I'm ok with The calves so long as the power in them matches structure and that they make up for it in other areas. None of my three are 100% flawless on feet and legs but I think they are highly sellable cattle that will still remain functional. Not the structural train wreck dinks that you can get with using direct Alias...

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I would stick with something thick but maternal: like Daddys Money, Comfort Zone, Jose,or there are several triple clean Jazzes that are thicker than the maines but proven CE-EUC Tabasco, Jakes Sultan of Jazz etc-and the Jazz blood goes gangbusters with the Heat wave and Simmi  et al genetics LAST BUT NOT LEAST CHECK OUT MINDBENDER theres a thread on here-and Cattle Visions-HES THROWING WAY EZ CALVES LEFT AND RIGHT OUT of females BRED like yours-hes out of probably one of the most powerful Meyer 734 doner cows ever-and Starburst.O0

kjd farms

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2008
Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada
From our experience, I-80 is the way to go.  At first we only used I-80 on THC cows, but now we would use him on THF cows as well.

There's nothing wrong with Daddy's Money, but for us the I-80 calves have much more power to them.

As far as calving ease, we found our Daddy's Money were smaller calves at birth than I-80s, but all of them came unassisted from both bulls.


Active member
Nov 19, 2015
He's not. Last year was first crop I believe. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any or seen any calves out of him. Looks like he should make real nice heifers.


Well-known member
May 11, 2008
Here is a All That Matters steer. He was 90 lbs unassisted out of an Unstoppable dam. Disposition is great he comes to me to be stracthed. Had two heifers too. Good quality in all three. Heifers were in the 80's. second pic is ATM heifer out of wave on wave Simmi dam.


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Jun 6, 2016
I do not recommend I-80.  We bred a big framed, Monopoly Char cross cow to him hoping to get something show quality.  Labor was short and the cow was pushing with all she had but we still pulled a 100+ pound dead calf.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2013
I hate heifers said:
I do not recommend I-80.  We bred a big framed, Monopoly Char cross cow to him hoping to get something show quality.  Labor was short and the cow was pushing with all she had but we still pulled a 100+ pound dead calf.
I have also heard that I-80 has sired some larger birth weights every so often.  Its too bad this thread stayed at the forefront for a while so everyone could see it. I think someone will have had a large birth weight calf or bad experience out of every bull that was suggested. 