Calf stalls

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
I am selling 26 bolted together baby calf stalls that we use in a dairy calf/feeder business. Usally kept calves in these stalls from day one till 6-7 weeks old. They are made of heavy 1" steel painted pipe with 1" oak flooring. They measure 20" wide and 55" long with a end gate. They are elavated off the floor for dryness to the calf and easy cleaning under the calf. equipped with 2 1gal. bucket holders and a 4pt. bottle holder per stall. Collars with chain to keep the calf from turning are a added feature the we made for each stall. These are clean stalls that can be taken apart and ready to ship. Priced at $3250.00 for all ( will not sell separate stalls) which includes a 1/2 hp stationary milk mixer (homemade) that works well for making 5gal. batches of milk.  Located in north central Ohio.