Corgi Puppies (NC)

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
I just had to share! We are not dog breeders, but I have a fantastic Corgi female that we just love and adore. She works the cattle with me every day I go out and heat check, and will sort out a female I need and help me bring her up. Anyway, we decided to breed her, she is three years old. These pictures I just took this morning, and aren't they just the cutest?!?!? There are 5 females and one male. For those that have never had the experience of owning a Corgi, they love to sleep either on their backs or completely sprawled out on their bellies with the rear legs kicked out behind. These puppies are just 9 days old today, eyes still closed, but I often find them sleeping on one of those two positions! Just too cute!



  • penny puppies 9 days ol 2.jpg
    penny puppies 9 days ol 2.jpg
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  • penny puppies 9 days old.jpg
    penny puppies 9 days old.jpg
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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
We have 2 males they both sleep the same way, I love the way they just stop walking with the back feet and keep walking on the front until their stretched out. One sleeps in a dog bed that he has to curl up in, he will be on his back in a U shape in the dog bed, I do not know how his neck does not hurt.

The pups are definitely cute, I bet you can't wait for them to up and milling around, they look like little bears.

Ours love to get in the pool and cool off, one swims the other just gets on the first step and lays down, pool steps are a constant mess. The one who does not like to swim occasionally goes for a swim when he falls in trying to herd the brush when you sweep the pool. First thing we do when we get a dog is teach them where the step is, if they fall in they head right for it.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
Corgis are neat, neat dogs. We ended up with one several years ago, and my girls and their mom still raise some pups occasionally. I don't think many people know much about em, but they're really cool dogs. I love that they rarely bark, and they're like a big dog demeanor in a smaller, shorter legged body.

I assume your female is a Pembroke?...I don't see a tail. My girls raise the Welsh Corgis, and they're pretty expensive! They've sent pups all over the country, and people are thrilled to find them.

I love pups...these will be great fun for the whole family until they find a family of their own. Congrats!


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
I agree with both of you! I think they are the best kept secrete! Penny, our female, is just as you described. She  has the big dog attitude, almost never barks unless there is a perceived intruder (like opossums in the front yard out our window at night!), and is my shadow. When I get up and go, she goes with me and I do not have to say anything. When I sit, she sits right where she can see my every movement and know when I get up to go again. She goes to all the cattle shows with us, and in fact on Saturday tried to get in the truck when we were leaving for the show. She had to stay home with her puppies, but was not to happy about that!
Yes, she is a Pembroke. We live in SW MO, but already have two females sold to California and they paid good money for them! The new owners are paying for the flight and everything, the breeder (she owns the male) is setting every thing up for us. We bred her because we had so many people asking for a pup out of her. We will probably breed her again next year, and maybe keep one from that litter. We have two Australian Shepherds, one is pretty old, and Penny works harder and better than both of them combined. She has been rolled by a cow many times, and just gets right back up and keeps going.
Anyway, the kids are having a great time with their first real experience raising puppies, and just love interacting with them. They can not wait for the eyes to open! The darn little things already walk around the whelping box, just can not see where they are going!

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
man i thought that mine was the only one that did the laying down either on his back or like superman.  (lol)