Cow with dislocated shoulder

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Oakville, ON. Canada
I have just had one of my best cows returned from my flushing facility with a dislocated shoulder.
Probably caused by fighting with other cows or after her flushing and jumping other cows and hurt her self.
Who knows what really caused it and the embryo place is non committal.

My vet says leave her be and let her recover and she will always have a limp but be able to raise calves or have an operation for $5000. 
I don't think I will spend 5 Gs on this cow.

Any one have this issue and what did you do?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
I hate to heat of injuries to your donor cow! That is really not agood thing, and I am sorry to hear it.

Here, I also know what takes place out there when you have seveal cows coming and going, or in heat at the same time.

I have always tried my best to know when a cow is due in , I like to let them do thier thing for a little while to get the system fired in the right direction, BUT, I always tend to pull these cows off each other after I know they are in and are getting pretty active.

It is not hard to do, just sort them apart -- some times two cows go to two different pens to keep them from the population. What happens is they get so active, that they will at times ride the heads , necks, and even the SIDE of thoer cows. Once in a wgile they will try to ride one who is not in heat, she takes off leaving the hot cow high and dry in mid air. Every so often, you'll see one get a leg hung and she is basicly supporting all her weight with one front leg. That is most likely what happened to your cow, she pulled her shoulder out trying to get off the other cow.

The cow will think she is about to die form the sudden pain, but in reality -- it is not all that bad unless the entire shoulder blade is dislocated and torn loose. I have seen other cows come here that were slightly STIFF it seemed, but after a little time, you'd never know they had it .

Hope she gets better soon, it will take a couple weeks at least. Too bad you are so far away, she'd be very welcome to come over to Nebraska from Wyoming.

Curious, was it at Fort Collins or up at Cody? PM me with the answer if you have a mind to!!

Good luck -- I'll be thinking of you!
