District convention

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
Respect...we teach it at home...and many FFA advisors teach it in their programs...there is a time and a place for everything. She should have sold the FFA program to the President instead of divulging her political views or opinions of the president. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I agree with Chambero......


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
STX108 said:
Respect...we teach it at home...and many FFA advisors teach it in their programs...there is a time and a place for everything. She should have sold the FFA program to the President instead of divulging her political views or opinions of the president. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I agree with Chambero......

so we should have used honey with king george?  for some, the time for honey is drawing to a close.  i agree with the sentiment, but in practice, we are bankrupt.  it's time for a change and obama ain't gonna bring it.  he's gonna be FDR and Johnson and Carter on steroids.  i'm thinking honey didn't do any good with those guys and it ain't gonna do any good now.  honey didn't work with the horse slaughter.  there was so much urine in the wind, it smelled like ammonia.



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
knabe said:
STX108 said:
Respect...we teach it at home...and many FFA advisors teach it in their programs...there is a time and a place for everything. She should have sold the FFA program to the President instead of divulging her political views or opinions of the president. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I agree with Chambero......

so we should have used honey with king george?  for some, the time for honey is drawing to a close.  i agree with the sentiment, but in practice, we are bankrupt.  it's time for a change and obama ain't gonna bring it.  he's gonna be FDR and Johnson and Carter on steroids.  i'm thinking honey didn't do any good with those guys and it ain't gonna do any good now.  honey didn't work with the horse slaughter.  there was so much urine in the wind, it smelled like ammonia.

A teenage kid that is giving a speech where they theoretically are representing a non-political, non-profit organization isn't where or how that should happen. 

And I really like to think that we are better than the extreme left that irritates us so much.  If we're better, we have to act like it.  And griping and whining about every little thing to the point that we make ourselves unhappy and inspire our kids to pull stunts like this is no different than how the extreme "left" operates. 


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
KNABE......" If you could meet up with president Obama what would you tell him about the FFA?"

That was the question that the young lady was addressed with, not ..."Please tell us what you think about President Obama's Administration and how do you feel about it?"

She is to inform him of what the FFA entails and represents, the opportunities it provides and all that students can take from a premier leadership organization like the FFA. An FFA District Convention is not a place for a young adult to divulge their political views, regardless if one feels the President is doing a good job or a poor job. He is our leader, he was elected to his position, and we will need to live with it.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
STX108 said:
KNABE......" If you could meet up with president Obama what would you tell him about the FFA?"

That was the question that the young lady was addressed with, not ..."Please tell us what you think about President Obama's Administration and how do you feel about it?"

She is to inform him of what the FFA entails and represents, the opportunities it provides and all that students can take from a premier leadership organization like the FFA. An FFA District Convention is not a place for a young adult to divulge their political views, regardless if one feels the President is doing a good job or a poor job. He is our leader, he was elected to his position, and we will need to live with it.

we are forgetting that the person said something about the FFA and are focusing on one's shortcomings in a moment of weakness.  we are assuming a lot criticizing this girl.  i for one, reserve judgement.  by complaining about her, we don't know her situation, why enough voted for her etc.  typical double standard of picking out the negative, overemphasizing it, and underemphasizing actually talking to her.  sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand.

why did enough people vote for this person?  is it because of government policy affecting farm life?  is it for a lot of reasons that have accumulated and are finally reaching the boiling point?  just what will it take to overcome the highly effective narrative of the march towards facism, socialism, collectivism and communism?  i'm kinda thinking that honey isn't going to work.  it's just like trying to talk to the taliban at this point or any of the other people who want to destroy america.  i for one am sick of ineffectively trying to be nice to a group of people who want nothing more than assets they have not worked for. 

i will respond monday on what i would say to king george about the FFA.  i have never been a member of FFA.

i'm thinking al gore doesn't represent the far left, but the mainstream left.


offering al gore honey ain't gonna work.  you should see how deep he is in venture capital money out here for the green fly attractant.

here's an example where honey doesn't work either (not comparing obama to the taliban)


here's another example. 

of course everyone at first said, oh my, can't we fire that guy, isn't he out of line, maybe we should be better than this guy.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
knabe said:
KNABE......" If you could meet up with president Obama what would you tell him about the FFA?"

That was the question that the young lady was addressed with, not ..."Please tell us what you think about President Obama's Administration and how do you feel about it?"

She is to inform him of what the FFA entails and represents, the opportunities it provides and all that students can take from a premier leadership organization like the FFA. An FFA District Convention is not a place for a young adult to divulge their political views, regardless if one feels the President is doing a good job or a poor job. He is our leader, he was elected to his position, and we will need to live with it.

Mr. President, in one sense, our visit today is a photo opp for both yourself and the FFA.  In doing research about the FFA, you have probably reviewed our website, or listened to a brief presentation about our organization.  I am not here today to tell you anything about the FFA that you could not find out on your own.  What i would like to do today is give you the opportunity to visit with some of our future farmers on a personal level with a minimum of entourages on both our parts so that you can experience for yourself, the opportunities, challenges, aspirations of the next generations of farmers.  I would like to extend an invitation to close our FFA convention in a word of prayer.  thank you.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I feel FFA teaches us to believe in ourselves and our positions in life.  BUT...I feel she did not do that in good taste.  She should have done it in an educated fact backed way.  Even in parli pro were taught that.  In my opinion, she just gave them amunition to say were country hicks.  She had the chance to give an educated response and sadly she neglected to do that.  She wouldn't have gotten my vote. 

Good or bad, he's our leader and he deserves respect.  You can disagree with his views and "changes" just fine without doing in like that.  It's a shame she missed her chance.