I am having a finisher ration made by a local grain company that we use year-around for my kids show steers. Right now it is costing me $440.00/ton bagged. I add Essential Beef Designer to it for 1/2 pound per calf per day. I was talking to a Purina rep about a month ago who was telling me that although I would be paying $560/ton retail, that a calf could eat 1/2-1% less, and not have to add the mineral from Essential, because it has basically the same minerals in it as what I'm adding. Would that be a true statement, or (in your opinion) is he just feeding me a line to try and get me to switch. If it's true, there would hardly be any difference in price. Also the ration that I'm having made has the corn rolled, and the Show Chow has steam-flaked corn. Don't know if there's any difference there. Opinions please