Feeding schedule

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Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I would like some opinions about feeding schedules and what you should do when your late for your schedule. I have been told that if you are more than 2 hours late on your regular schedule you should skip that feeding. I have also been told to just feed their normal hay but no grain. I imagine that there are folks that will tell you all kinds of things but that doesn't make them right and maybe there is no perfect way except to just not be late. But it happens, so what say you?

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
If you are late, 2options, feed normal amount, and the next feeding cut back a little, ( my choice) or cut back a little and normal the next feeding.
I guess you are like the rest of us, trying to work and feed. You can skip feeding till you skip the week.
Push for all you can and them Sunday morning skip it.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
We feed the whole amounts twice a day everyday even if its a late feeding or we got off schedule a little bit. It never seems to bother ours.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
It depends on the calf and how good of an eater they are.

Unless they are very picky and not a good eater, I go ahead and feed them when I get a chance.  If it is too close to evening feeding, I might wait, or I might go ahead and feed them and just turn them out that night.  I normally skip 1 feeding a week anyway just to keep up appetite.

If you are in holding mode on one anyway, I'd probably skip a feeding I'm late for.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Some good thoughts above.  Most people I know don't actually feed twelve hours apart anyway - usually this time of year, we shoot for 7 am and 6 pm, if we're late in the morning, we try to wait a little later in the evening if we can.  I wouldn't worry too much unless you're looking at less than 8 hours between feedings (occasionally that is - routinely I'd try to stay a minimum of at least 10 hours apart).


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
The other day I was visiting with some other folks about feeding and feed schedule come up and they asked about our schedule and my reaction was that I don't have a specific schedule, I mean yeah we feed around 7 in the AM and then again around 6 in the PM in the summer the evening feeding gets pushed back a little more to around 7. This couple just went off on me that we were doing our calves wrong and that we would upset their rumen if we were not exact to a schedule. Of course I laughed because I think they are being to anal about their own feeding program. But it did bring up some questions in the back of my mind. If we were 2 hours late or even 3 for that matter should we go ahead and feed them a full feeding? I asked a couple of other folks that feed show cattle and they gave me varying answers which just confirms what I already thought, that is there is not a perfect answer. Do the best you can and don't worry about it.