Food Prices could rise 40 % !!!

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Food Prices Could Soar Up by 40 % in Next Decade, UN Report Warns (Un News Centre, 6/15) -- Global prices of food could climb by as much as 40 per cent in the coming decade, as the global population continues to surge, a new United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report released today says. The Agriculture Outlook 2010-19 anticipates that wheat and coarse grain prices could jump to levels of between 15 and 40 per cent higher than they were between 1997 and 2006, while vegetable oil and dairy prices are also projected to rise by more than 40 per cent.

You have reports like this & you have HSUS, PETA & the Gov't making it harder on the American Farmer & Livestock Producer all the time. Doesn't make sense.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
you have to remember that the UN has to create fear to validate it's existence.

it should be disbanded.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
What ever happened to price freezes on products.  People are losing their homes every day in this country, with food, energy, and everything else going up how will we ever servive as the greatest nation.  We have too get our act together, for our kids and grandchildren of this county.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
irh said:
What ever happened to price freezes on products.  People are losing their homes every day in this country, with food, energy, and everything else going up how will we ever servive as the greatest nation.  We have too get our act together, for our kids and grandchildren of this county.

seriously, really?  the vast majority of people losing their homes, at least in my area and most of the other one's in CA are because they bought at the top of the market on interest only loans.

they could have bought a trailer for a lot less and had more disposable income than what the house made them look like they had.

seriously, housing is a market, it goes up and down and is subject to stupidity.  almost every cost analysis of owning a home shows it to cost more than renting no matter what the market is.  there really is no real need to own a home, only a desire. 

the best way to get our act together is to let the housing market fall to equilibrium.  anything else is sheer folly and only delays the inevitable, which is price supports which extracts a cost beyond the support itself.

if we want to get our act together, teach not living month to month


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
irh said:
What ever happened to price freezes on products.  People are losing their homes every day in this country, with food, energy, and everything else going up how will we ever servive as the greatest nation.  We have too get our act together, for our kids and grandchildren of this county.

Price freezes cause shortages, which causes black markets, corruption, and lots of other adjustments, which then lead to government regulation in its most repressive form.  Take a look at what Chavez has done to Venezuela for an example of price freezes.  You do not want to go there. 

Some people are losing their homes.  Sometimes it is bad luck -- lost the job -- and some times it is stupidity -- too big of a loan that left them living hand to mouth each month.  Lesson is to always live well below your means and the sage advice of saving up and having on hand 6 months living expenses.  Not there yet, but working hard on it.  Read Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover."  That is how this country survives and prospers.  People and governments have to manage their respective debts.  All the other issues in politics are to take the attention off of the root problems of people and government.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
simtal said:
hasnt this dreadful disease called liberalism risen 40% lately?

I was listening to the radio in the truck the other day and heard a news report that Liberals are now registering as Republicans during the primaries so they can vote in candidates on the Republican side that their candidate can beat.  The local guy had seen somewhere where a record number of democrats registered republican in the primaries.  Now that could be the conspiracy theory I guess or it could be that they are coming to their senses????  I agree with you though.  It sure seems like there are more liberals now than ever.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010
How's that "HOPE AND CHANGE" working for you?  I don't mean to be insulting but if you believe in price freezes, your what the Communists/Socialist of the 20th century refer to as a "Useful Idiot".

Capitalism, hard work, freedon, willingness to take risks and innovation have always made the US #1 in the world.  I want to leave my children an opportunity to live the American Dream....  Not a guarantee of the American Dream!

Loss of personal freedoms, taxation, redistirbution of wealth and the nanny state will be our downfall and the legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren if we don't turn this around soon!

I agree that the UN should be disbanded. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
forcheyhawk said:
Liberals are now registering as Republicans during the primaries so they can vote in candidates on the Republican side that their candidate can beat. 

i did the opposite and you can dang sure i didn't vote for a single incumbent democrat.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
knabe said:
forcheyhawk said:
Liberals are now registering as Republicans during the primaries so they can vote in candidates on the Republican side that their candidate can beat. 

i did the opposite and you can dang sure i didn't vote for a single incumbent democrat.

I wish I was smart enough to think of it.  LOL  All these years I've been voting for my favorite Republicans and I could have been voting for my least favorite Democrat.  Knabe you are a step ahead of me.  <beer>


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Well for one thing, when you people lose the jobs that back up the farming in this country where will you be then?  I don't know about the states that all of you live in how your unemployment rate is but here in Ohio it is over 17% and rissing.  How can anyone in the future put money back for retirement,schooling,paying off a home at 40% increases.  I agree there should have never bee 100% mortages, I was smart enough and my kids  not to get involved with those kind of banks.  Anyone with a brain.pencil, and paper can fiqure if you don't get a 40% increase on your job or for your crops or cattle, something has to give.  Our state workers in Ohio has taken a 3 year no raises,10 days no pay.  Insurance increases, on and on.  Everyone I talk to is wondering if we can sell our calfs, sounds like a real good future to me.  Hope and change, more like bull! 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
T-bob said:
all this is happening cause of the people population! Quit reproducing so much! Thank you!

this is a flat out lie.  america is slightly over if not at replacement rate for births. 

most european nations are under replacement, and are in fact closer to 1.5, which is essentially cultural suicide.

we legally immigrate about 1 million people per year. 

new immigrants typically have a higher birth rate than existing citizens which probably inflates the birth rate numbers.

perhaps your comment should be directed at another group regarding the population problem.

the southwest basically was taken over by the womb, especially in texas and CA during the 1800's.  it's being taken over again by the womb for probably the 6th or 7th time in 10,000 years.



Active member
Mar 17, 2010
Williston, ND
It is huh? So why are we losing crop land and pasture land to development?  If were not growing then why all this development on farm land and not just use what we got for housing and building?  And i'm not just saying the U.S. because i'm not. I'm saying it as a whole.  Because i'm pretty sure the U.S. is feeding the world through the government.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
This is just a guess as I don't have any numbers, but when talking about population growth - I'm guessing that most of the growth is not coming from the US.  This was a UN report, correct?  I would guess this could mean good things for exports provided the countries that are growing have the money to trade or purchase.  Also, I would take some of this with a grain of salt too.  If it's a UN report, there's probably a shade of politics in positioning for something.  That something probably being funding (budget) $$$.