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May 20, 2012
So on the 7th I took my steer to the vet and had him checked out for what I thought was footrot, turns out his feet were perfectly fine and that he had foundered. He gave him a shot and some bolus's and he started to improve alot. Before he would set on his knees with his hind end standing up( looked like a sheep with footrot ) and it would take him 10+ minutes to stand all the way up. After the vet trip he was standing up right away, like nothing was wrong.
Now he is starting to do the knee thing again, and I have him on half the amount of feed and no supplements besides some medicated salt the Vet gave me( he told me to only feed half the amount of feed ) He is only getting 15 pounds a day, and that kind of sucks because we only have 2 months until fair and on May 27th he was 1000lbs.

Wondering if anyone else has had cattle founder and how you go about helping them, I know it is pretty rare for them to do it.

Thanks everyone.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
IMO & others are sure welcome to give their opinions, but chances of your calf recovering from this severe of case of founder are very, very slim to none. To "save" one from the effects of over eating, which is what causes the founder you need to recognize the systems almost immediately and treat with antihistamine and have to balance the stomach out for PH while also keeping the calf hydrated. IMO if your calf has adequate finish on him, I would try to figure out how to put him on the rail earlier rather than later. He will not perform well @ all & may go backwards. This has been my experience with foundered cattle. Good Luck with your calf. Wish that I had better news & like I said, I hope that others may chime in here with some better options for you.


May 20, 2012
Thank you CAB,
Do you think that he will be able to be shown at fair, or am I just better off just trying to find someone to buy him for butcher right away.
The Vet gave him a shot of Banamine and 4 or 5 megnalax buloses and like I said the salt that he said would help his stomach acid ( I think), and I give him 1oz scoop of that once a day.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
My experience has been when they are down on their knees they just don't have a good outlook as far as gaining is concerned. If you have another calf or 2 I would try to market him if he is carrying enough cover for a buyer. I'm afraid that if you don't that he could end up being a burger type of calf. Of coarse you realize that I am painting a picture in my mind and if he's not as bad as my head thinks he could go on and finish out for you. Judgement call for you & your advisors/parents.

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