Fustration with Husband!

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
[ " you may be right, but you can't win... so accept it" 
[/quote]  That is for sure!  Just wish I'd realize that ....  (argue) ... after 27 years.  (lol)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
My wife and daughter decided we should exhibit some heifers in a breed booth display at the Calgary Stampede again this year. I thought ten days sitting at Booth wasn't very productive but they sold a flush out of our Diamond Dottie 55G cow to Scotland, so I guess they were right. We used to take bulls to the pen shows in Denver and besides the bulls we sold there in January we used to always get buyers at our fall sale because they liked what they saw in Denver. Not many people see your cattle out behind the barn!


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2009
My philosophy

Sometimes it is easier to beg for forgivness than to ask for permission (lol)


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
the guilt trip works pretty good. If he has a birthday or something coming up, make a big to do about it. Try the "I am nervous about going on my own and I really need your support at the show (make sure you say need).  If that fails, use the "I support everything you do whether or not I agree with it" approach. It's all about strategy.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
You people are manipulative!!!!!

(I like it lol)  (clapping)

Tell him it's your dream and ask if he really wants to crush your dreams.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
ok Steakmaker...that's kinda spooky lol  It is one of my dreams...I always said before I die I will show at all the major shows (Denver, KC, Louisville, Ft. Worth)

Still not gaining any ground and I'm fustrated.  I'm not hounding or begging (Oh I refuse to beg! (thumbsup) (argue))l  Just patiently waiting.  I'd hate to pull out the heavy tactics


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
justme said:
ok Steakmaker...that's kinda spooky lol  It is one of my dreams...I always said before I die I will show at all the major shows (Denver, KC, Louisville, Ft. Worth)

  I'd hate to pull out the heavy tactics

Heavy tactics!!!    You're not thinking of the sniffling and a few tears thrown in.... are you???? No man can maintain his defense and ground when these heavy tactics are employed.

In regards to this tactic... I know a farm couple that were having a huge argument with a government department over an issue that involved a portion of their land. The husband had several meetings with a couple of these government officials and was not getting any closer to getting the settlement he wanted. This went on for several weeks and the husband felt that a court case may be his only option left... and he didn't have the time, patience or money to take this route. He was uncertain what he should do. His wife suggested that she should go and talk with one of the heads of this department and see what she could get done. Her husband told her she was wasting her time and not to bother. He said that no person on earth could talk any sense into this man. The wife said she would try anyways, as there was nothing to lose. She went into the government office and met with this official and came home with every condition met that her husband had wanted. He asked her how on earth she had got these people to agree to her terms. She replied that she had started out trying to calmly talk the issues over with the bureaucrat in charge, and when he said that he could not give them any of the concessions they were wanting, she said she pulled out the heavy tactics. She said that she started to sniffle, and wipe her eyes with a tissue, and then she started to throw a few sobs in amongst the tears. Within minutes this government official was almost begging her not to cry and he was starting to give in to her demands. Within minutes she had ever demand met and he agreed to sign a document to this effect.  Sometimes heavy tactics work... and I don't know many men who have a chance when they are used!


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
I don't see the issue.  If you,you  meaning you and your family, are serious about show calves and cattle promotion then Louisville, Kansas City and Denver should be on your list of show.


Active member
May 26, 2010
Well, my wife and I got divorced and it cost me $124,712.00 (yes that is the exact number).  It dang near broke me, but at least I kept my house & farm and can do whatever I want now.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Rock*River said:
Well, my wife and I got divorced and it cost me $124,712.00 (yes that is the exact number).  It dang near broke me, but at least I kept my house & farm and can do whatever I want now.

A friend of mine went through a divorce a few years ago and has an experience similar to yours. He said that divorces cost so much simply because they are worth it!

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Are some of you people serious? Are all of you still married to the orginal person? More importantly, are you happy?

I thought being married to someone meant you worked together as a couple, supported each other, and worked toward a common goal. That is pretty hard to do when you are being manipulative, lying and flat undermining your husband.

I think I would talk to him and take facts up to justify your trip. Maybe make a trade of sorts... you go to the NAILE, he can go to a farm progress show...

Don't whine (its degrading) and don't cry (even more degrading).  Try some honesty... you might be surprised at how effective that is.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
well showheifer...I don't whine, I don't cry...I think him opening his mouth and answering me would be nice.  Gentle persuasion never hurt anyone...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Show Heifer said:
Are some of you people serious? Are all of you still married to the orginal person? More importantly, are you happy?

I thought being married to someone meant you worked together as a couple, supported each other, and worked toward a common goal. That is pretty hard to do when you are being manipulative, lying and flat undermining your husband.

I think I would talk to him and take facts up to justify your trip. Maybe make a trade of sorts... you go to the NAILE, he can go to a farm progress show...

Don't whine (its degrading) and don't cry (even more degrading).  Try some honesty... you might be surprised at how effective that is.

I would probably get banned if I say what I would really like to say here so will leave it at.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
I do not want to start a full scale war here between women and men.   I love men! I am married to one. ( For 25 fun and sometimes not so fun years.)  I grew up in a house full of men.  I currently live in a family of all guys!  


However, living in a man's world requires smart negotiation skills.  If women did not have good bargaining skills, the TV's would only show John Wayne, the outdoor channel and ESPN classic!

We would only eat bacon, cheeseburgers, steaks and tamales!

The last time anyone's hubby wanted to buy a new pickup, a new gun, spend a week at hunting camp, buy a new Craftsmen tool item, go play town team basketball with out the family,,,,,,it required some negotiation skills.

Life is give and take.   Women do tend to give a lot.  Sometimes you just want to do something, and you are so excited about it and want to do it so bad.....that it is time to figure out how to "Take".  Sometimes your never "get" if you don't ask!

<beer>  And hey everybody, all of this is said with a HUGE sense of humor!  Life is too short for everybody to be PO'd all the time!


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I took the original question as fairly rhetorical.  Any successful relationship is  give and take.  I've never told my wife she couldn't do something and she treats me the same.  Our key is trying to do as much as we can together.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Well sometimes something that seems simple can be complicated. You can go because
1. it's advertising
2.you might sell something
3.you'd rather show than go on a holiday!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
I don't know about anybody else's relationship, but if my wife found out I was asking for advice on how to handle a disagreement, etc. on a website you'd all be able to see the mushroom cloud from the explosion no matter how far you live from me.  To be honest, I wouldn't blame her!!  I think you need to work it out privately without a lot of input from anyone else .  Making a public event out of it may cause more problems for you than the disappointment of not going to a cattle show!!  JMHO


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Northwood, Iowa
Show Heifer said:
Are some of you people serious? Are all of you still married to the orginal person? More importantly, are you happy?

I thought being married to someone meant you worked together as a couple, supported each other, and worked toward a common goal. That is pretty hard to do when you are being manipulative, lying and flat undermining your husband.

I think I would talk to him and take facts up to justify your trip. Maybe make a trade of sorts... you go to the NAILE, he can go to a farm progress show...

Don't whine (its degrading) and don't cry (even more degrading).  Try some honesty... you might be surprised at how effective that is.

How long have you been married, or in a relationship?
My husband and I have been married for 37 years, been through more downs, and ups than most people go through in a lifetime. We are still together, have no plans on anything but that. We both try to have a sense of humor about allot of things. You have to. Life, and relationships are difficult enough.
Maybe you take things a little too seriously??