getting calves big and fat for the show

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Active member
Oct 18, 2011
we have been showing purebred cattle. I have been hearing of day weening calves off the cows for months prior to the shows so then they can eat grain throughout the day. How old should the calves be before you can take them off the cow for the day, and what is the best ways to start young calves on feed. The goal is to get bull and heifer calves as big as possible to ether show as calves by themselves or on the cow as a pair.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

Just saw this post; I'll give my 2 cents.  From day 1 of a new calf, I would feed the Mama our Show Ration in big tubs on the ground.  The calves would be poking their heads in to eat a few bites with the cow within 2-3 days.  As I determined which calves would be Show Worthy, I would pen them in the lot with Show Ration free choice, and let them nurse through the rails.  The calves would wean themselves about 90% in a couple of months.  At that time, the Cow would be penned in another pasture, and halter breaking/daily care would begin.  Calves would be eating 10-15 pounds/day of Show Ration at 2-3 months of age.

We would push the calves up to 20 pounds/day, and have them ready to Show or sell at Four to Five months, approximately 500 lbs.  This has been several years ago, feeding larger framed cattle.