Glen Beck

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Active member
Feb 23, 2010
Anybody watch the Glen Beck special yesterday?  I was not able to watch it but I heard the content and the crowd was fantastic.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2008
Glen Beck scares me, but he usually finds facts to back up his ranting. He sure seems to shake things up.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
olsun said:
Glen Beck scares me, but he usually finds facts to back up his ranting. He sure seems to shake things up.

what is economic justice for someone who won't do anything?  a salary of $100,000 and free health care till death?

people complain about illegals doing stoop labor for wages less than minimum wage, but that isn't the case out here.

plus, add in free medical, free schooling, tax breaks, housing subsidies, food stamps and a few other things like policing neighborhoods where illegal populations are high and illegals come out pretty good on wages.

for me, Beck is simply asking why do we need to make it so hard for people who play by the rules?

why are there even subsidies?  if people want to help people out, over the centuries, local donations have worked best if one measures the effectiveness of those dollars and time spent.  paying a state or federal bureaurocrat life time wages and benefits takes too much money out of helping people, just look at lotteries and the waste they are.

also, beck seems to be saying equal opportunity rather than equal outcome. 

if people want equal outcome, for goodness sakes, use your own money. 

making others pay is denying choice, which the democrats are sooooooo proud of but deny it to everyone in every policy they make.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Personally, I believe Beck is a liar and not sincere.  But that is why he gets paid $50 million by Fox.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jimbob123 said:
Personally, I believe Beck is a liar and not sincere.  But that is why he gets paid $50 million by Fox.

he gets paid whatever he gets paid to sell advertising.

please cite specific examples of his lying, then compare and contrast them with people you support and if they have ever lied or were not sincere.

believing someone is a liar and proving them to be a liar are two different things.

i believe you are a liar and are not sincere.  doesn't mean you are.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
I do not believe me explaining to you what he lies about will change your mind on anything.  I have seen your posts and you think you have things figured out.  Beck is a liar.  Mass media lies.  they are corporations and they are in the business to not tell the truth but to make money anyway they can.  and if that means deceiving people, then they will do it. 

you want to believe what you want to believe as it makes you feel better.  you could not handle the truth as if you could you would already know beck is a liar.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jimbob123 said:
I do not believe me explaining to you what he lies about will change your mind on anything.   I have seen your posts and you think you have things figured out.  Beck is a liar.  Mass media lies.  they are corporations and they are in the business to not tell the truth but to make money anyway they can.  and if that means deceiving people, then they will do it. 

you want to believe what you want to believe as it makes you feel better.  you could not handle the truth as if you could you would already know beck is a liar.

the above logic fails even in first grade.  you want to make yourself feel better by not presenting any evidence and hold me to a different standard than yourself.

it's apparent you can't handle the truth.  i don't listen to beck, limbaugh, hannity etc.  i never vote D or R.  i want something different than them.  what about you?

is there a way to make money without being a corporation?  oh yeah, be in government and take money, taxes, or just print it, obama, and grow the government employee voting block and keep out private citizens from decision making in government.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
Dear jimbob 123....I.on the other hand,do not have everything figured out.  But one thing I do know.....a person is not a liar simply by you saying he is.  People who are good at debate and arguing back their statements up with examples and evidence.  So I would like you to list why you make your argument.  I am the first to admit that Beck is a sensationalist and does what he needs to in order to increase ratings.  However, he usually has facts to back up his opinions and arguments.  I do not agree with everything Beck says but he does make some very VALID and SUPPPORTED points and speaks for a large portion of the disgruntled American public.  Also what does it matter what he makes or what FOX pays him.....if you have a product people are willing to pay for then you are worth it.....THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY.....Free enterprise.....


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Beck sells propaganda.  some truth and some lies mixed together in a way that is undistinguishable for most Americans that do not have time to investigate his statements. 

I am here for the cattle.  What I am saying is IMO, he is a paid shill liar and is very dangerous as many people believe him. 

If I give you the laundry list (and i have one), you are not going to believe me as I do not have his stage to lie and promote half truths. 

Thus, I am not going to go into a debate but want others to know that there are some of us that do not believe Beck or Mass Media as they are one and the same.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
could have just pointed out a website regarding glen beck at

even then, their truth meters are a little suspect.

i am against subsidies with tax dollars which is the source of some of becks issues and feel we could lean those out, especially since they are so subject to abuse.

for instance, all housing subsidies do is raise the cost of housing, hence the need for zero down, no declared income loans which any fool could have seen was stupid.

of course the left will never recognize clinton and reno had nothing to do with this.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
jimbob123 said:
Beck sells propaganda.  some truth and some lies mixed together in a way that is undistinguishable for most Americans that do not have time to investigate his statements. 

I am here for the cattle.  What I am saying is IMO, he is a paid shill liar and is very dangerous as many people believe him. 

If I give you the laundry list (and i have one), you are not going to believe me as I do not have his stage to lie and promote half truths. 

Thus, I am not going to go into a debate but want others to know that there are some of us that do not believe Beck or Mass Media as they are one and the same.

Again jimbob, your credibility in a reasonable debate is suspect at best as you do not back up your statements with evidence.  You began your diatribe with the blanket statement that "Glen Beck is a liar" did not back it up with any evidence and then when called out on your statement, you backtracked and stated "well it is just my opinion".  You are entitled to your opnion, just make it clear from the beginning that you are stating an opinion.  If you are here for cattle, then stick to that.  Don't inflame people who have differing opnions than you and then run away when they disagree with you and say, I am here for cattle.  This is an open forum and there is room for differing opnions on differing subjects.
However, that is just my humble opinion.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
iowabeef said:
jimbob123 said:
Beck sells propaganda.  some truth and some lies mixed together in a way that is indistinguishable for most Americans that do not have time to investigate his statements. 

I am here for the cattle.  What I am saying is IMO, he is a paid shill liar and is very dangerous as many people believe him. 

If I give you the laundry list (and i have one), you are not going to believe me as I do not have his stage to lie and promote half truths. 

Thus, I am not going to go into a debate but want others to know that there are some of us that do not believe Beck or Mass Media as they are one and the same.

Again jimbob, your credibility in a reasonable debate is suspect at best as you do not back up your statements with evidence.  You began your diatribe with the blanket statement that "Glen Beck is a liar" did not back it up with any evidence and then when called out on your statement, you backtracked and stated "well it is just my opinion".  You are entitled to your opinion, just make it clear from the beginning that you are stating an opinion.  If you are here for cattle, then stick to that.  Don't inflame people who have differing opinions than you and then run away when they disagree with you and say, I am here for cattle.  This is an open forum and there is room for differing opinions on differing subjects.
However, that is just my humble opinion.

When you are a controversial figure in today's society it doesn't take long for someone to research you. The internet has opened tons of doors both bad and good. I think it helps keep people honest. The below link sites some very credible sources in reference to mistruths Mr. Beck has perpetrated.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Iowa Beef,

Not running from anyone.  I do not want to get into a debate as this forum when it comes to politics is full of people that will not accept any beliefs but their own in politics which is fine.    It is a no win situation for anyone with differing views.  I have seen other members on this board abused to no end and was sad to see it.  It is sad but this board cannot handle honest debate and I will not take part in a cruxifixion with people that have set beliefs and nothing will be accomplished.  If you want to know about Becks lies, these are all over the net for people to see. 

My point is Mass Media lies and Beck is mass media. You cannot separate the two.  He is paid for his comments and he only says what he is told to say or can say. If you believe otherwise, ask Lou Dobbs about it or Dan Rather.  If you do not believe me, then watch the movie Network sometime.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jimbob123 said:
ask Lou Dobbs about it or Dan Rather.  If you do not believe me, then watch the movie Network sometime.

offering up dan rather as someone who doesn't lie is funny.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
His story on ACORN was proven false by an attorney general who investigated the tapes and found that editing of the tapes left the true story on the floor.  But hey it helped fuel that "watch out minorities are out to get us" mentality.  His take on the black panthers is far from the truth, not a bold face lie, but lets just say most people would smack their kid across the face if they told them that story and the parents knew the truth.


Active member
Feb 23, 2010
As a newbie, I find it ironic that you are quick to call people liars, and cheats in your previous posts, Jim Bob, yet your quote was "i have seen others abused on this board to no end and was sad to see it".  I am are not willing to back up your accusations with facts, but yet you make them, so which are you - the abuser or the abused?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
Glenn Beck is entertainment first and news a distant second.  Just like Obama is Politics first and leader a distant second.  The problem in today's American politics is that there are few that have the show to get elected that still retain the ability to get things done once elected.  It is a tough act to be electable and still make the tough decisions.  I have served on many boards and have the approach if everyone is mad then we are making the right decisions.  What I mean is that if we are too far right for the left and too far left for the right we are about in the middle to the silent majority.  ;D


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Agreed lostfarmer, to many people are ideologues who will do whatever it takes to support their philosophy.  It is sad that we have elected officials who are unable to say "while i don't agree with this, all the evidence shows it needs to be done" and realize somethings in life are more important than their "principles" which are usually selectively abided by.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I remember when Beck made a big stink about some of the new energy saving light bulbs. These light bulbs are used just about everywhere, but he tried to paint this picture as to their danger. He was just ridiculous.

Beck may not be a liar but he is a master of twisting truths and over- sensationalizing most of everything.

He scares me, too. I hate his approach and do not watch his show anymore.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Telos said:
I remember when Beck made a big stink about some of the new energy saving light bulbs. These light bulbs are used just about everywhere, but he tried to paint this picture as to their danger. He was just ridiculous.

Beck may not be a liar but he is a master of twisting truths and over- sensationalizing most of everything.

He scares me, too. I hate his approach and do not watch his show anymore.

I love the story about the lady in Maine who broke a CFL and the epa was called in or some damn thing.  That story always gets lots of attention.  If you do the research though, you will read that the EPA said they over reacted and there is such a small amount of mercury in the bulbs there is nothing to worry about.  But hey it makes a great headline.