Grass fed beef

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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I had an interesting conversation with a person from Northeast Iowa at the state fair last weekend.  He wanted to know if Shorthorns would work in a grass fed beef operation.  He is currently using Simmental-Angus crosses and is having much difficulty getting the cattle to hang the carcasses he wants.  No marbling, among other things.  I told the gentleman that I felt they were several Shorthorn options out there that would work in a grass fed beef program, particularly some of the older, native genetics still available.  He is looking for information from those who use Shorthorn genetics in their grass fed beef operation.  If you can help, please email and I'll forward his information to you. 


Well-known member
May 11, 2011
I dont think its a "breed" question but rather a question of finding genetics within a breed that will work. Im sure there are Simmentals who will do great and some not as great. Id be looking more at some of the genetic markers to attempt to isolate the animals which will work better in the given situation. The breeder I work with to raise some ET calves has put alot of work into the leptin gene. Its a cheap test and he has repeat buyers that demand bulls homozygous for that trait. If you want to increase marbling, thats what i would look at. He has guys buying bulls that feed their own calves that swear they get calves out of the TT bulls out of the lots 2 weeks faster then calves out of CC bulls and they hit the grade with way more frequency then their counterparts. I know those are feedlot results but the TT cattle marble more consistently then the CC ones - its proven. There are more TT naturally in the british breeds then the contential breeds. So I guess Im saying its not a particular breed - its a certain animal within a particular breed. Just my 2 cents for all its worth. The tests are out there - use them to their advantage.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2014
I agree about the difference within the breeds and I am in the grass fed meat business.  I would suggest that one should contact Norris Albaugh of Albaugh Ranch in Fallon Nevada.  Norris is as honest as they come and is a very knowledgeable cattleman.  He has sold grass fed meat to the resturant trade before the drought hit him.  I am not sure what he has available for sale but he should have semen that would help a guy. His cattle are Native Shorthorn.  I have one in my freezer now and it is quite good.