Great illustration to debunk "pink slime" fiasco

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Why is the industry so unwilling to tailor their products to meet the demands of the people? 
they did. they addressed the contamination issue.

I can't think of any other industry where consumers give feedback and then are chastised by manufacturers/ producers who boast a "like it or leave it" mentality. they addresssed the issue, the media came up with inflammatory commentary to sway public opinion because of their agenda. why you can't see through that is a logic failure.

The concerns are met with such defensiveness that it gives the impression that somethin fishy's goin on. the media is the one who is defensive by characterizing an otherwise safe, useful product, exactly why they should be sued. the media is continually defensive (and offensive) against corporations, it's beyond the pale. why you continually can not see balance in the equation displays a hypocrisy to tear down the industry you participate in because for some reason, you can't stand choice, unless it's choice.  the media feeds into fishiness, it sells commercials.  why do you so easily fall into this trap? it's always easier to make the first claim, and of course this tends to put people on the defensive. when did you stop beating your mother?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
Why is the industry so unwilling to tailor their products to meet the demands of the people? 
they did. they addressed the contamination issue.

I can't think of any other industry where consumers give feedback and then are chastised by manufacturers/ producers who boast a "like it or leave it" mentality. they addresssed the issue, the media came up with inflammatory commentary to sway public opinion because of their agenda. why you can't see through that is a logic failure.

The concerns are met with such defensiveness that it gives the impression that somethin fishy's goin on. the media is the one who is defensive by characterizing an otherwise safe, useful product, exactly why they should be sued. the media is continually defensive (and offensive) against corporations, it's beyond the pale. why you continually can not see balance in the equation displays a hypocrisy to tear down the industry you participate in because for some reason, you can't stand choice, unless it's choice.  the media feeds into fishiness, it sells commercials.  why do you so easily fall into this trap? it's always easier to make the first claim, and of course this tends to put people on the defensive. when did you stop beating your mother?

If the opinions of rationally minded individuals are so easily 'swayed' as you suggest, perhaps we do need a more centralized government making decisions in the best interest of the collective.  Your logic suggests we are unfit to decipher for ourselves. 

If they addressed the issue, 'red slime' would no longer be used.  The people expressed their concern and instead of catering to those concerns, like the producer of any other product would do, they've chosen to take a "we know better than you" approach in an attempt defend their profit margins. Just like with implants.  Consumers say we don't want this.  Instead of listening and tailoring the product to our needs, producers squander their resources going on educational campaigns to try to prove otherwise.  I don't get it.  Just meet the demands of the consumer. That's all you've got to do to get the gravy train rolling your way.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
If the opinions of rationally minded individuals are so easily 'swayed' as you suggest, perhaps we do need a more centralized government making decisions in the best interest of the collective. there used to be this technique taught in school called critical thinking. this has changed into reflexively thinking critical of thinking for one's self.

Your logic suggests we are unfit to decipher for ourselves.  the left is teaching this.

If they addressed the issue, 'red slime' would no longer be used.  The people expressed their concern and instead of catering to those concerns, like the producer of any other product would do, they've chosen to take a "we know better than you" approach in an attempt defend their profit margins. people can choose, again, a concept you don't seem to advocate, unless it's choice. it's why it's fair to sue for what ABC did.

Just like with implants.  Consumers say we don't want this. and they have a choice. why remove the choice for those that don't care? again, your no-choice government unless it's choice mentality, typical hypocrisy.

Instead of listening and tailoring the product to our needs, they do, there's this thing called profit to prove it. producers squander their resources going on educational campaigns to try to prove otherwise. the media does this as well, that's why you don't get it.  I don't get it. you never will. perhaps read a modest proposal by the author of gulliver's travels, johnathan swift.  Just meet the demands of the consumer. people are, you just want to remove that choice.

That's all you've got to do to get the gravy train rolling your way. people are, but when people misrepresent the situation, they deserve to be sued. for some reason, you seem to hate diversity and choice unless you impose it. i don't think you will ever get it until confronted with the situation that costs you personally. for some reason, you hate the free market's role in decision making. i can already feel you not pursuing information sources that conflict with your perspective.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
I love the free market.  At the same time, I recognize its limitations and the classic causes of market failure: Information asymmetry in particular.

The main misrepresentation in when producers assert opinion as fact.  They/you have no idea about the long term repercussion of using synthetic hormone laden foods yet you will defend it until you/y'all are blue in the face. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.  All you have is: the sources you seek suggest, the boys down at the local co op told you..., your mom told you... the fact is you don't have a clue- you only regurgitate that which you were told by someone trying to capitalize off you.  In life, seek information from those who have no financial incentive to misguide you and you will, undoubtedly, be much better off. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Abc had information asymmetry. That's why they are being sued.

Your paranoia about synthetics is synthesized and artificial.

You selective outrage drops your credibility quotient.

Say you had 40,000 head. Would you sell them to someone who used implants after you couldn't sell non-implant cattle due to the free market?

I guess to some you are hurting your potential market and connections with your one side approach. You sound like a yeti tracker. Perhaps you are against castration. What are the long term effects of lowered testosterone. No one knows and it should be studied before the practice is allowed to continue.