Halter Breaking a Flight Risk

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Mar 18, 2013
In our steer barn we have a September born Charolais steer, he's only lived in and around pens so he's not use to the large pastures like we have at our facility. (1/2 acre pastures with 2-3 stalls) he's alone right now and we've had him for about a week now, he's gentle and calm when he's tied. We can rub all over him and he's not skittish, and occasionally he walks just fine on the lead, but he's getting worse. He throws his head down and bolts without warning. There's not a lot we can do once he has gotten to this point because he runs right at the nearest fence to try and throw us off so its either be crushed or let go. He's only 575 right now, there's three very gentle steers and a not so nice one, who has a tendency to kick but walks fine on a lead. The Charolais had no kick and no other issues when tied, any suggestions?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
If you have a pen that is maybe 40-60 feet long, you could put 30 feet or so of rope on the halter for an extension.  When he bolts, let him have some rope and when he quits reel him back in.  This takes the reward out of bolting because he never really gets away.  Main thing is to not lead him in a pen that is too big for how ever much rope you have.  He will eventually give up.  Just keep working with him.

Last resort is a nose ring or clip, but finesse is usually more effective than brute force over the long term.  I think that taking the fun out of it for him with a longer rope and an appropriate sized pen should be more effective.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I agree. He has just figured out how to get away. If you have a longer rope he cant do it. I have done it before myself. Try to keep ahold of his head to that way he cant get you into the fence. If hes tame in the pen and while working him you should be able to overcome this. I have also tied a calf to a show heifer or cow. They hit the end of the rope and they cant drag them.